"You are to watch not kill unless you have to but protect the girl by any means necessary,Do the job get the money" I said

"Answer me this though you have all the same skills I do so why don't you just do it yourself" he asked

"I'm a very busy woman Aron I don't have time that's what you are for" I said

"Fine but I don't want your money I'll do the job on one condition" he said

"What?" I asked

"We sit down and have a normal conversation clear the air if we can" he said

"Whatever" I said as I grabbed my glass and made my way upstairs

Aron's POV

It was dark as I sat in my car outside of the restaurant I would be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit curious as to who this girl was and why my cold hearted sister has taking in interest in her. I sat there for hours and so far no one has come out so I decided to kick back and play a little 8 ball pool on my phone as I was just about to hit start on the game I heard a noise so I looked up to see a girl who looks to be closing up the restaurant for the night. It was dark so I couldn't quite make out the. Description my sister had gave to me.

As the girl locked up the place I watched as she started walking so I started the car to follow her. I had noticed something strange as I did so, a guy in a black hoodie walking towards her he looked really shady so I grabbed my gun and slipped in into the gun holder on my hip before quietly hopping off the car. And I was right this man was up to no good as he soon grabbed the girl dragging her into the alleyway. I quickly ran following them getting there just in time as the man was trying to force himself on her she screamed as he pushed her up against the wall.

Yeah it was definitely time for me to intervene just as he was about to try and take it further I grabbed his shoulder pulling him off of her and throwing him to the ground in one quick move I grabbed my gun and aimed it at his head while he was on the ground still with his hood over his head call me old school but I wanted to see this sickos face before I blow his brains all over his back alley.

"Take off the hood"  I said but he didn't

"Look man I have a gun to your head id listen to me if I were you"  I said he hesitated at first but slowly started to take it off and there it was the guy Erica told me to look for. "My father would kill you if you hurt me" he shouted I rolled my eyes oh he's one of those I thought to myself "yeah I doubt that" I said, just As I was about to shoot him I remembered the girl who was still behind me in shock it seemed wrong to do what I was about to do in front of her so instead I knocked him out with the butt of my gun before turning towards her. "What's your name" I asked the shaky girl

"I-is- Isabella" she stuttered out "ok Isabella come with me" I said picking the guy up and tossing him over my shoulders "I'll take you home" I said as I started to walk but noticed that she wasn't following me so I turned to look at her once again.

"Are you coming" I asked

"H-how do I-I-know your not- working with him" she said I decided to tease her a bit to try and lighten the mood

"You don't but you could either let me take you home or you could walk home alone looking over your shoulder every second" I said which may have not been teasing to her but well at least it was teasing to me.

She hastily followed me to my car I opened the back door and laid the guy in the back before shutting the door then coming around to the passengers seat to open the door for her before getting in the car myself.

She showed me the way to her house as we drove in silence.

"What are you going to do with him" she asked well I'm going to kill him but I didn't tell her that instead I decided to reserve her  innocence and say something else.

"I'm going to take him to the police station turn him in" I said she nodded and it went back to silence. I glanced over at her she was gorgeous now I see why Erica took an interest in her she gorgeous. I looked back at the road only to see that we were coming up on a house in which look normal small but normal. I pulled up in front putting the car In park before unlocking the doors for her to get out. "Thank you" she said before She got out, I watched as she did so and just before she left I rolled down my window.

"Hey Isabella" I said she stopped walking and turned around

"For future reference don't get in a car with a stranger no matter if they just saved your life" I said Seriously. She said nothing but instead went back to walking up to her house I waited to make sure she got in safely before pulling off.

I stopped just down the road getting out to put the sicko in my back seat in the truck before getting in the car and pulling off again. I drove to one of my warehouses that I often take my hits to when I'm ordered to torture and get information out of them before the kill but In this case I was acting on my own a cored. Although my sister gave me orders not to kill I hated the fact that he tried to take advantage of a woman like that and I wanted to make sure he never did anything like that again but not before I make him suffer as I could tell that this wasn't his first time doing it.

I opened the trunk to see him still out cold so I grabbed him out taking him into the Warehouse and tying him to a chair. I then took a cold bucket of water and threw it on him. He immediately woke up.

"Well hello princess, did you get enough rest because you'll need it" I said grabbing a Electric stick from my table of many torture devices.

"Forgive me I'm a little rusty" I said as I plunged the stick onto his stomach immediately shocking him. He screamed loudly good thing we were where no one could hear us.


End of chapter: well y'all seemed to like chapter one so I decided to not discontinue this book sorry it took so long to update

Question for the day: how tall are you??

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