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I didn't know what blackmail was until I met you.

I knew...but didn't. I couldn't.

I don't think you did either, or are even aware who your doing it to.

You used to say you loved me, you said it every night before bed.

You even fought with me about who loved the other kore whenever my embarrassment would make me turn beat red.

I few weeks ago...I went through my first depressive episode while we've been dating.

I think that's when the live started dying.

The radiator of love weeping; the fire beginning to sizzle out.

You're still here though.

I told you that I loved winter, not because of the cold, but because of the snow.

I love how the world looks fresh, new, almost untainted while covered in that white sheet.

You love melted the snow of my mind, leaving all my errors...flaws...imperfections open in the blinding heat.

I love you.

You said it back, was it ever not a lie?

Was it ever true?

I still love you...even though the snow left your flaws out in the open.

Who cares if I'm always sad, always so down-in-the-dumps, type of blue?

Oh do.

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