"We'll talk when we're home."

"What game are you playing?" She sniffs, her hand bruising from the bones being broken.

"I need him to trust me, he's easily manipulated. I don't mean anything i'm saying, love."

She doesn't say anything, just attempts to move her fingers. "Stop, Arabella. You'll make it worse."

"It hurts."

"I know it does but you need to keep it still. I'll get you to a hospital."

The door opens again and one tall man walks in, he picks a knife up, holds out Arabella's arm and feels around.

She was shouting 'no's' as he cut the birth control implant from her arm, leaving it bloody.

I'm going to fucking kill him too.

He goes to leave but turns to Arabella before he opens the door, "Aaron will breed you well. Very pretty." He then leaves and closes the door.

My poor girl looked terrified.

She starts sweating, i could see the beads of sweat over her forehead. "Arabella you need to hang on."

"Roman you don't even know the pain im in right now. He broke my fingers one by one and just cut into me." She closes her eyes.

"Open them, love."

"I'm tired."

"I know love but you need to keep your eyes open."

"Roman you're not doing anything." She cries.

I didn't come in here without a plan, i work the bobby pin through the lock of the handcuffs faster. This is much more difficult to do when i can't see anything.

I keep fiddling around, managing to find the click. It freed my hands.

I move them in front of me and wipe the blood from my face before i push myself up, walking to Arabella.

I check her pulse, fine, she shifts in my arms a little bit. "Am i hallucinating?" She mumbles.

"No." I rip my shirt, tying it around her bloody arm.

She starts crying again and i start to hear footsteps. I go back to where they put me, hands behind my back and the door opens to reveal Aaron and some other dude.

"She's nineteen. Do what you will with her. In front of him."

"Please don't." Arabella shakes her head.

Aaron closes the door, leaving the guy in here. "Roman Reign."

"Touch her and i'm going to slice off your fingers and force them down your throat."

He held a cocky smirk over his face as he grabbed Arabella's breast.

I sit up, using the handcuff to smash across his head and then pull the gun from his belt. He stumbles on the floor, i point the gun to his head, kneeling down on his neck, i use my other hand to grab the knife from my boot.

I slice his neck where his vocal chords are, and then throw the knife down on his fingers, separating three of them from his hand.

He couldn't scream.

But the thud of his body falling down must have caused commotion.

Aaron walks in, he sees my bloody hand, sees the guy on the floor and his eyes widen. I shoot his ankles so he can't run.

Only scream.

"I'll be back for you, Arabella." I drag Aaron to the corner of the room and then knee him in the face until he falls limp.

I walk out of the room, down the long hallway and into one of the back rooms. I shoot the guys standing guard at the door and then open it. Luca was tied up on the couch, a gag in his mouth.

I untie him, "Take Arabella, she's in the room two doors down dorm here." I hand him the knife.

"I don't know where Asher is." He coughs a little.

"I'll find him. Just get her out of here. Drive her to the nearest hospital and call the men."

He nods, running away.

I take the gun off the guy i shot down here, i walk through the entire first floor and couldn't find Asher, but i did kill six people. I make my way to the second floor, taking out the two men stationed outside of a room which made me believe Asher was in there.

I open the door. Shocked, when i seen Vincent burn a hot press into Asher's body.

I put a bullet through Vincent's shoulder, sending him flying back.

I have hell planned for him.

After treating Arabella like a daughter he would do this?

I'm going to end his bloodline.

"Where's Arabella?" Asher asks, breathing heavily.

I look at the A being burned into his shoulder, i got here in time, that will heal.

"With Luca." I untie him, throwing him a gun. "She's injured bad."

"No shit. Aaron was close to killing her." He runs with me, down to the room Arabella was in, she wasn't there which made me relieved and when we stepped out into the yard, the car was gone.

"Luca will call someone to bring a car around." I lean against the wall.

"What the fuck did they do to you man?"

"Five onto one." I have a banging headache.

"You've dealt with seven-"

"I deserved it." I stand up, "I let them hit me." I fought back to only but an extent.

"Why would you do that?" He frowns.

"Arabella would never do it, neither would you or Luca. Someone needed to do it."

"You're fucked in the head man."

"I know."

word count 1479

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