One Step at a Time

Start from the beginning

D: Lloyd I would never
do that. The last thing
this family needs
is another villain.

L: Relax Dad, I'm kidding.
I'll see you tomorrow.

D: see you there.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I put my phone away and went to sleep. Hopefully my father will help us through this.

The next morning...

It was morning and I woke up with Ethan sleeping in the middle of the bed cuddling with his lion toy. Kira wasn't in the room so she must've already woken up. This was nothing unusual, if Ethan woke up with the nightmare again he would walk into my room and sleep with us until morning. It was a vicious cycle but we would rather him sleep with us than get no sleep at all.

I got up from the bed as quietly as I could and tried to sneak over to the door, but I stepped on a creaky board and woke him up.

"Daddy?" Ethan sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked absolutely exhausted.

"Oh Ethan, I'm sorry you can go back to sleep." I whispered.

"No, I'm hungry." He yawned.

"Alright, let's get some breakfast then."

He got out of bed and I picked him up in my arms and carried him to the kitchen. Kira and the other kids were sitting around the table with some eggs, and bacon. Kira saw me and stood up.

"Hey tiger, did you get enough sleep?" Kira said to him.

"A little." He yawned as I put him down in a seat.

"Ryder can you make your brother a plate please, I need to talk to your mom." I said.

"Sure Dad." Ryder agreed.

He put some eggs on Ethan's plate and Kira pulled me into the other room.

"Lloyd he is exhausted." She frowned. "I'm really worried about him."

"I know, I talked to my dad and he's going to be back in the city later today with Wu. He said the same thing happened to him and he'll do everything he can to help."

"Great." She sighed with relief. I noticed she was holding her arm.

We were both still recovering from the car accident, but she was hurt a lot worse than me. She had a broken rib and sprained her arm so I was trying my best to get her to rest, but she was really stubborn.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm alright. It's just sore." She said.

"You can go lay down if you want, I'll stay with the kids."

"Thanks but I'll be fine." She smiled. "I wanna be here when your father shows up."

All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door. We ran back to the front door and all of the kids did too. I opened it to reveal my father and my uncle.

"Grandpa! Great Uncle Wu!" All the kids shouted and gave them hugs.

"Hello young ones." Wu smiled.

Ninjago Generations: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now