Chapter 18 | Lust

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A guilty feeling overwhelms me. I feel bad for leaving my family in the dark. What if they notified the police?

I should at least give them a call to let them know I'm okay.

Blake seems to notice my distress and asks, "Is everything okay?"

I catch a glimpse of the same sympathy Grant once used to give me.

"Yeah, my family is just worried about me," I confess.

He nods understandingly.

"Are you hungry?"

My stomach immediately grumbles at the sound of possible food. That's weird. I can't remember the last time I was hungry.

"Yes, starving," I recognize.

I instantly remember number 6 (eat a whole deep dish pizza by myself) on the list.

"What about Italian?" I suggest.

Blake chuckles while typing 'Italian food near me' on his phone.

"What's so funny?"

I remind myself that Blake is Italian.

His dad used to run an Italian real estate business, for God's sake.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry, I forgot," I apologize, "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

He laughs as an embarrassed expression takes over my face.

"I'm perfectly okay with Italian," He reassures me, "I could use some gnocchi after that insane experience."

I smile. My face is still hot from the confusion.

"Okay, Maggiano's it is," Blake says.

As we drive to the restaurant, I examine Blake's battered face. Those 'guys' must have really roughed him up, but from the looks of his fists, they got the worse end of it. Oddly, the bruises make him more alluring. They give him a bad boy look that I usually wouldn't go for.

He's a big guy.

He can take it.

He can take me.


It only takes us twenty minutes to get there, and once we do, I feel like I may faint from hunger.

Blake parks the car as close as he can to the restaurant, and we both swiftly walk to the seating area.

Although to others, it may have looked like a jog.

Once we enter, I am stunned by the elegance and immediately feel underdressed in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

The red carpeting and high ceilings make the place look like something out of a fancy perfume commercial. As I look around, I smell grilled meats and garlic bread.

I almost start to drool.

Blake doesn't even wait to be escorted by a waiter. He walks straight into the dining room and looks for a table himself.

Reluctantly, I follow him and let him choose our spot.

He weaves us through the restaurant until we reach a grand staircase leading to a second floor that seems hidden.

He holds out his hand and directs,

"Vieni mio amore."

I smile and hold his hand as he leads me up the stairs, not at all knowing what in the world he just said.

One Perfect DayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang