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Laylah's POV

I tap my leg impatiantly under my desk and fight the urge to shoot Zane a text and ask him how everything's going. I still can't believe that they made me go to school today of all days. I deserve to be at the meeting too but of course Vixen wouldn't hear a word of it. Why does he get a say in everything I do? If they suspect that we may be brother and sister then why do they insist on keeping me from him? 

I finally give up and pull my phone out. Me: How is everything?

Zane replies back immediatly, The same it was five minutes ago, doll.

I cringe at the message, reminding me how I indeed texted him five minutes ago asking the same question and he said Vixen and Klaus were still in his study talking. 

Me: I hate being out of the loop.

Zane: I'll fill you in on everything later. Now, stop worrying and focus on those books.

I stuff my phone in my bag and try to do exactly that. The bell rings and I couldn't be more grateful as I gather up my books and head for the door. 

"Ms. Clayton, please hold for a second." 

I try not to look irritated as I stare at my 4th period teacher, Mr. Andrews. He waits until the last person files out of the classroom before addressing me. 

"Is everything ok? I've noticed you haven't been in my class for over a week now." A concerned expression crosses his face and I feel a pang of guilt as I drum up the lie Vixen told me to spew to anyone who asked of my whereabouts. 

"I was just feeling a little under the weather. I'm much better now though." I try to make my smile look convincing and it must work because he nods and dismisses me. I all but ran out of the room, eager to get back to the penthouse but of course I don't make it more than five seconds in the parking lot before Chase's football friends, Josh, Matt, Dustin, Cole and Austin come stalking towards me.

God, not now. 

They all don't say anything and my back hits my car in fear as Josh stalks towards me and without warning, throws me over his shoulder. I go into full panic mode and start kicking and beating at his back. He ignored me and tears pricked my eyes. There was no use in screaming. The parking lot was empty exempt from a few bystanders that took one look at the group of built football players and cowered away. 

Suddenly i'm slammed against a pair of lockers. I wait for my head to stop spinning and take in my surroundings. I then realize that I am in the boys locker room with five guys who look like they're ready to tear my clothes off. 

I gulp in fear but try to stand my ground. "What the hell, Josh. What are you doing?" 

His answering grin makes my skin crawl, "What I want." 

I wished that the lockers would just swallow me whole as he comes to a stop right in front of me. My heart beats so fast I think it will beat out of my chest but it wasn't out of anticipation it was out of dread. I had never been as scared as I was at this moment. 

He smashed his lips to mine and it wasn't until then that I realized what they were going to do. Tears spill from my eyes as I use all my strength to try and push him off of me. He didn't even stumble as he forced himself onto me. I then felt a pair of lips on my neck and my skin began to crawl. 

I tried to fight as a pair of hands played with my covered breasts and another cupped me through my panties. I cursed myself for wearing a skirt today as I tried to wiggle away from their touch. There were five of them against my petite, frail frame. I knew that I had no match up against them but I just couldn't wrap my head around just standing and letting them do whatever they wanted to me. Even if my fighting and screaming was no use I had to do something.

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