Boy Trouble

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I wake up feeling extremely tired. Instead of sleeping with one eye open I slept with both because I couldn't stop thinking about how I could be lying on my death bed. I really need to invest in a security system. I slip from under the covers and go use the bathroom. When i'm finished, I take a quick shower, brush my hair, teeth and wash my face. I put my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head and throw on a white over-sized t-shirt that says overthinking in small letters on my left breast, a pair of black shorts and my black and white converse.

I give myself a once-over in the mirror. Not my best but at least I don't look like I just rolled out of bed. My phone starts ringing and I pick it up.


"Uh..hey, I just wanted to call and check on you. We never really got a chance to talk after school yasterday." Neil says, nervously.

I give a light chuckle, "Yeah, well Gwen went missing and I had to look for her with her asshole of a boyfriend."

"You can say that again" Neil snorts. He abruptly clears his throat, "So I-i was wondering if you maybe want to come with me to Sue's after school?" he stutters out.

I smile to myself, "Yeah, that would be nice"

"Cool so I guess i'll see you at school"

"See you" 

I put my phone away and make sure I have everything before walking out the door. I'm still smiling a little at Neil's attempt at asking me on a date when I hear a loud engine pull in my driveway.

I look to see Chase in the drivers seat of a shiny, red benz with Gwen beside him in the passenger seat.

"No" I state and prepare myself to walk to school.

"Oh, come on. Please. Do it for me." Gwen pleads.

I look at her puppy dog eyes and groan aloud. "Fine"

She squeals as I reluctantly get in the backseat and we zoom off to our destination.


Chase pulls into his designated parking spot, which he literally got his name painted on. Who claims a parking spot?

I check my purse and make sure I have everything. 

"Can you get the fuck out?" Chase booms, standing with his arms wrapped around Gwen. Gwen lightly slaps his chest, "Be nice". It doesn't matter if I was as perfect as the sun and stars above, Chase would still find a way to treat me like shit.

I flip him off and then continue to take my time. I'm already done, I just want to get under his skin.

"Goddamnit, Gwen get her before I do!" Chase yells, bringing attention to us. 

"Is there a problem here?" I hear someone say. I look over and am slightly relieved that it's Neil, arms crossed, eyes narrowed in on Chase, looking even cuter with his possessive demeanor. I get out, throwing my purse strap over my shoulder, "Nope. Walk me to class?"

Neil looks over at me and a smile plays on his lips. He simply just nods then takes my hand in his. We both don't say anything until we walk through the school double doors.

 "Are we still on for Sue's after school?" Neil asks, once we reach my locker. I look over at him and smile, "Yeah. What are you gonna try to bail or something?" I tease him. 

"What, no. I would never do that to you. I-"

I travel my hand up his chest and peck his lips, "It's okay." He stands there in utter shock at what  I just did. I guess he realizes that he's just standing there with his mouth wide open because he quickly clears his throat, composing himself. 

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