Chapter 12: "Traumas" pt. 2

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"Guys, that's private information that you just don't talk about, unless everyone involved agrees to. You don't see or hear me disclosing information about Hyunjin's heat or my rut. And if I do share something is because we're both comfortable with you knowing. I don't know about you, but if I were Felix and Jisung I'd be very upset at you both for talking about it and for this petty argument" Changbin said.

Both alphas sighed and apologized to the luna. "Oh, it's not me you need to apologize to. It's your mates and most importantly Felix. We need to find him now" the luna said walking towards the door with Jeongin and Seungmin following him. 


Felix kept crying in the cave after he cut himself. He felt exhausted and cold. His fingers and toes felt numb. The blood loss was making him weak. His fast breathing and anxiety only increased. Giving in to his exhaustion he passed out on the cave's floor.

After a while three wolves were doing a perimeter run. They had sensed someone crossing their boarder but noticed it wasn't a threat. They decided it was best o search, it could be an enemy or someone needing help.

Approaching the cave one wolf decided to go in and check it. Once inside he saw a small body laying down naked and after getting closer he noticed a familiar face. "Hyung, there's someone in the cave! He's from Skz pack! He has tearstains on his face a long with a forming bruise, he's cold and he's naked. There's also blood!" the wolf linked his alpha. (A/N: yay!!! More chracters! My staytiny heart!!)

The other two wolves went inside the cave to help. "Let's take him back to ours. I'll inform luna so he can get stuff ready" the head alpha from Ateez Pack, Hongjoong said.

"Darling, we've found the intruder. It's Felix from Stray Kids. Tell Yunho and Mingi to inform them. He's in bad condition. He's passed out, has a bruise on his face, cuts on his legs and arms. They look self-inflicted. He's got a weak pulse, he's hypothermic and naked. I guess he shifted while running" the alpha linked his mate as they made their way towards the house.

At the Ateez House, Seonghwa was patiently waiting for his mate, San and Jongho to return from their run. After sensing someone crossing their boarder, they headed out leaving him in the house with the three other omegas and Mingi just in case.

Just as he sat down on the sofa, he heard his mates voice telling him what they had discovered. "Yunho, Mingi go to Stray Kids territory and tell them one of their omegas, Felix, was found by Hongjoong, San and Jongho. Get them to come as soon as possible. Wooyoung and Yeosang, help me prepare a bed in the guest room. Get a medical kit and warm blankets. Get a spare set of clothing for him as well" the luna said. Everyone got up to do what they had to.

After a short amount of time Hongjoong, San and Jongho arrived with a still unconscious and naked Felix. They made their way to the guest room where Yeosang and Wooyoung were waiting. "Put him on the bed gently," said the omega.

He laid a soft blanket on the youngers waist to cover him up and began to clean the cuts on his arms while Yeosang cleaned the ones on his feet. Wooyoung went to the kitchen to make some hot tea for the omega to warm him up.

After cleaning up his cuts, Seonghwa grabbed a special cream and put it on them to help them heal and wrapped them up in bandages. He put a special ointment on the bruise as well. He was the healer in the pack, so he knew what to do.

With the help of Yeosang they managed to get him dressed in one of Seonghwa's oversized shirts. They wrapped him up in more blankets and waited for the stray kids pack to arrive.

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