~ Part 21 ~

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The strangest thing happened. I didn't dream. Like not once. It was probably my mind giving me a break because I'd have a lot of problems to deal with when I woke up. I mean my parents decided that they are coming tomorrow instead of on my birthday and it sure won't be fun considering the whole camp now knows my secret. I woke up in the infirmary, completely natural, not from someone or a dream. It was so weird.

    Connor and Jasper were still both asleep, but who could blame them? I was still in my clothes from yesterday so I decided that the first thing on my list was to change. There was absolutely nothing happening at Camp besides rain, which was weird because the weather was controlled inside the Camp's borders. No one was around, not even in their cabins. I reached my cabin and got changed before setting out to find where everyone was. I found them all sitting in the amphitheater with Chiron and Mr. D talking to them.

"We are here to answer any questions about last night." Chiron started. Right away every camper had their hand up except Bella. She just sat there, emotionless. She looked nothing like herself, you could see the remnants of tears on her cheeks and bags under her eyes. Chiron called on Fiona, probably hoping for a question that was easy to answer.

"Is it true? Was Gracie actually a Jackson?" Was? What does she mean was? What happened next confused me even more. My mom and dad appeared on stage both looking horrible, even worse the Bella.

"Yes Gracie is," he winced and my mom choked back a sob, "was our daughter." They all think i'm dead? With a shock I realized my dad was causing the rain to fall, and it most definitely was not on purpose. With an even bigger shock I realized both Luke and Cleo were standing in the corner. My whole family was here and they all thought I was dead. I couldn't stay hiding any longer, this was tearing them apart. I walked straight down the steps in the middle of the amphitheater without anybody noticing me, how did I do that? I ran to my father and it was as if he saw right through me. Was I really dead? I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder and saw Nico standing behind me.

"Nico? What's going on? Why can't they see us?"

"They think you're dead. And I almost am." So I wasn't really dead?

"What why? Why can't they see you?" Nico closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Because my body is being controlled by an Eidolon. You were right."

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