~ Part 13 ~

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We raced to the big house, where Chiron and Mr. D were sitting on the porch playing pinochle. They looked over and both stood when they saw us running over.

"What's happened?" Chiron asked. He looked at me with imploring eyes and led us into the big house.

"Gracie knows the Prophecy," Will said. Mr. D spit out his Diet Coke and Chiron's mouth fell open with shock.

"Her parents told her?" Mr. D asked. "After all they've been through, they told her?"

"Of course not, it's Percy and Annabeth. She just knows it, like perfectly." Will explained.

"I'm right here you know," I said. Everyone looked over at me. Chiron motioned for me to have a seat on the couch.

"How do you know the prophecy?" He asked.

"I had a dream the night before I came here, I saw two demigods on Half-Blood Hill talking about a prophecy that is supposed to take place on the 21st, my birthday. Then last night in the infirmary I had another dream, it was my parents talking about a prophecy that they thought was about me but they didn't speak the prophecy out loud. I just somehow know it," I explained. "Oh and also have any satyrs gone missing?"

"How did you know? We've been missing a satyr named Jasper for two days, do you know what's happened to him?" Mr. D asked, "He is a special satyr, son of Grover Underwood."

"I saw him in my dream on Half-Blood Hill, the demigods caught him eavesdropping and ran after him, but my dream stopped there," I said. Chiron put his head in his hands and motioned for me and Connor to leave the big house. When we got outside Fiona and the rest of the Athena Cabin were sitting on the porch.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. They all jumped at the sound of my voice.

"We heard there was a prophecy, and we were trying to learn more," Fiona said, "Why were you two in there?" We couldn't tell her the real reason, so instead, Connor spoke up.

"We got caught alone in my cabin," he said. I kicked him in the chin, everybody at camp knew what being alone in a cabin together meant. Fiona's cheeks went red.

"Oh, uh, well Gracie you're looking better, when we saw you last night it didn't look so good. Anyways, we're headed to the campfire if you guys would like to come with us," she finished.

Down at the campfire, everybody started to get uneasy. Whispers were being shared and occasionally people would glance over at me and Connor. I didn't mind that much, considering rumors were spread about me all the time, but Connor was squirming in his seat. The campers were clearly talking about me and Connor being alone in his cabin together, but that never actually happened. Thankfully Chiron came trotting into the center of the campfire.

"Attention campers, there is a quest to be given out," Chrion said. Everyone immediately went silent, even Rose. "But first, there is a welcome home in order." Jasper appeared behind him, when he saw me his eyes went wide and he immediately looked down. Nobody said anything to Jasper, but Connor got up and tackled him in a hug. Connor hadn't said anything about them being friends, but it was clear to anyone that they were. Connor sat back down next to me and started to introduce me and Jasper.

"Jasper this is-" He started to say, but Jasper cut him off.

"Gracie Blofis," he said. He knew my secret, making him someone I could trust. I shook his hand, gave him a wink, and he winked back. We had our own secret, we already knew each other, I mean our parents are best friends what do you expect?

After everyone was settled Chiron went back to discussing the quest. "Gracie Blofis, you know what to do," he said, expecting me to explain. I stood up and tried to find the words to explain without completely telling a lie.

"There was a prophecy told to my family in New Rome, it isn't the reason I came to Camp Half-Blood, but now I'm glad I did. I have never been told the prophecy, but I know what I have to do to fulfill it," I said, "This quest won't even have to leave Camp."

"Who are you bringing?" some young camper from the Apollo cabin asked.

"If it's all right with them, I'd like to bring Connor and Jasper," I announced. Nobody was that surprised, considering I had no other friends besides my half siblings here at camp. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rose stand up.

"Why should we listen to you? You're just a newbie who can't even pick up a sword," she said.

"First of all I've been training my whole life as a Roman and Greek fighter and second of all, I disarmed you didn't I?" An echo of oohs and aahs came from the crowd. Rose's face went bright red and she stormed off, with her friends following close behind.

"Where was I? Oh right, So us three will be walking around camp a lot, so if you see us walking around just keep with your activities," I finished. This time another camper stood up, he looked to be about 17 and had almost the same amount of beads as Connor on his camp necklace, which is saying a lot considering Connor has lived at Camp Half-Blood his whole life. The boy had a fierce look on his face but the way he held himself said something different. He was trying to seem vicious when really he was terrified inside.

"Hi, um, I'm Jack, from the Ares Cabin and I'd just like to know if there's a point to this?" Jack. Something about him was off, not in a bad way, but in a familiar way, like I had heard of him. Before I could react or respond to what he had just said he hoisted me over his shoulder and started running towards the bathroom.

"Hey!" I yelled but it was no use. I knew what was about to happen, and wouldn't let it. I threw my arms around his head and hoisted myself up and over onto his back, covering his eyes so he couldn't see what he was doing. I reached down and grabbed the sword hanging from his belt, unsheathing it and pointing it out at his friends who were laughing and following behind, ready to watch him dunk my head in a toilet seat. Unlike my father, I wouldn't be able to aim the water towards them, they would instantly know who I am, so instead, I did what I had to, to avoid humiliation.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked, still locked in between my arms and with me on his back. He flailed and shook, trying to get me off but it was too late, I swiped with the sword, cutting the belt right off of his pants, they instantly fell to his ankles.

"I'm not a newbie." I jumped off his back and regrouped with Connor and Jasper who were looking at me, amazed.

"No one has ever avoided being toilet slushied," Jasper said.

"Well no one besides me and my dad," I said with a smile on my face. Everyone else who was still watching Jack try to get his pants to stay up without a belt, eventually we were forced to turn in for the night.

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