Waiting - Part 23

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        "I'm....I'm what?" She asks again in shock. Tsunade stands up and double checks the chart before stating more clearly in detail. "You're about 10 weeks according to the size of the fetus. Your health is borderline anemic. I'm kind of surprised you didn't notice your own symptoms." Sitting there for a moment, "I'm.....t-ten....." she kind of mumbles to herself again. This was... unexpected. Seeing that she was getting stuck, Kakashi touches her shoulder. "Hey. You alright?" She snaps out of it and touches his hand as she nods. "Y-yeah...I think I will be. Yeah..." All alone...and pregnant...? And this time...who knows when he would return. Was this a good thing? OR something that was bound to go wrong?

           Coming home that night and being prescribed pre-natal pills, and some hard-core vitamins, Kakashi offers to stay, but she refuses him. "I'll be fine....really." She tells him as he was stepping out of her front door. Sighing, he turns back and looks at her. "You know...you're really stubborn, even after having three kids." Making a face and putting her hand at her waist, she answers, "Was I supposed to be different after having a few or what?" He smirks at her and passes by her hair in a playful way. "No....no not at all." He gives her a quick, friendly kiss on her forehead and heads out. "Have a good night, Sakura." "Night." she replies back.

         A good 4 months pass, and she was beginning to show a bump. Still no sign of Obito, Sasuke or Konohamaru yet...and it was not pleasant. Every night it would worry her what could possibly go wrong, how she may never see him again, but...negative thoughts were in no way going to help or solve anything more in this situation, so she had to stay tough and be strong. She had to put her mind elsewhere for the sake of her children...and for the baby...a baby she in no way planned for or even thought would happen considering her fertility history, but it must have been a sign. A sign to let her know to keep going no matter what. That life is not over no matter how hard it may get or how dark it may turn. 

            It was a busy evening at the hospital having the usual flu going around, and she was ordered to stay home to stay in good health, but of course, she refused and stayed on her daily shifts, wearing a double mask when she had to. Having a mask on for the majority of the day, she needed a serious break. Taking a breather outside, she took a seat at a nearby bench and closed her eyes for just a moment. Taking a few deep breaths and just hearing the light chatter of some people walking by, her body slightly makes a shift, making her jump a little. Right away she takes hold of her tummy, and smiles to herself. 'Calm down you....it's just another day at work. It's no biggie.' Staying there for another 10 minutes, she stands up and heads back in. As she was getting her charts from her office, she feels a hand on her shoulder. "Ms. Uchiha!" one of the nurses says in such a fright. "You're bleeding!"

           "Huh?? I'm...?" she says very confused. "Yes, yes miss, don't you feel it?? It's all over your pants!" Sakura touches her bottom, and yup...for sure...blood was smeared all over her hands. 'What? How could I not notice this? I was just sitting outside for a little while...and I felt nothing. Why is this happening?' "Miss. Come and sit down on one of the gurnees. Let's get you into a room." the nurse suggests to her. "N-no....uh....I'll just go home and rest." "But Miss! You're already here at the hospital, you might as well-" "I said no!" she yells back, making her co-worker of 8 years step back a bit in a shudder. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm just....I'm just tired I guess. I'm in no pain...really. I think I'll be okay at home, okay?" The nurse gulps and nods her head at her. "Yes Miss....if you insist. I'll make sure to let Ms. Tsunade know...okay?" "No." "No?" "I've caused her enough trouble in the past. Just...keep this between us, okay?" "But-" "Okay?!" "Y-yes, Lady Uchiha. You know best." As soon as she was back in her office and the nurse leaving her sight, she right away locks the door behind her, changes clothes, and heads home, leaving a note on her desk in case anyone came looking for her.

Lost: His Return (Sakura x Obito x Sasuke x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now