A Peek - Part 21

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            It was in the month of October that Sasuke was back in the town, and the place had really grown since the last time he'd seen it. Visiting Naruto first at the Hokage's office, since he had finally been promoted, he had to go check it out for himself. Knocking on the door, he hears him. "Come in, Sasuke!" Sasuke shakes his head a bit as he turned to knob and let himself in. "You're senses are sharper than ever. So....it's true." "Yeah, of course it is. I would never send you fake news. I told you I was going to be the Hokage one day...and I never go back on my word." "Yes, yes...I've heard that too many times...I'm about to banned it. Well... congratulations. Sorry I couldn't be here for your inauguration." Naruto just smiles. "It's alright. You don't have to apologize...I know we're all preoccupied with life as usual. Speaking of life...I never introduced you to my little girl, have I?" Sasuke gives him a smirk, seeing his bright smile that gave off the state of happiness he was in. "I have been away for a few years. You have a girl now?" "Mhm. And boy....compared to Kenichi...." They both chuckle. Sasuke touches the back of his head thinking of a memory. The time she had spent with Mayu and Hoshi. How different they were from one another. How Mayu was so much like- "Yeah...girls are a lot more-" "Feisty." "Yeah. That they are." They stay there a bit more, talking about things, not getting too personal since Naruto was suppose to be working. After about 30 minutes, he had to get back to his paperwork, so Sasuke took his leave.

          Walking through the village, he sees so many new stores, and eating establishments that have been very much upgraded. He's about to start heading to his apartment that was always available for him no matter what, when he unexpectedly sees pink hair at a distance. She was out buying food and things with the kids along side her, with an unfamiliar one laying in a carrier that was wrapped around her body. He smiles to himself and couldn't believe how big the kids had gotten. 'A new addition? He must've come home for a while. Last I checked, he was still going on his long missions...still leaving her alone.' He thinks about walking up to her, but hesitates, until he didn't have a choice. The kids recognize him right away, and start running towards him. He couldn't do anything about it now, so he waited for them to reach him. From afar, he can see her worried facial expression because they scared her by leaving her side so quickly! She calls out to Hoshi only once, then looks up and sees him. The smile on her face she couldn't contain, and was really happy to see him well and alive.
          He picks one of them up, takes the other one by the hand, and walks them back over to her. "Hey." he says with a small smirk. "Hey..." she says a bit shyly, placing her same annoying strand of hair behind her ear. "I see you have a new addition." "Yes. He was born about a month ago. It's been busy lately, but...I love it." He smiles at her and pats her head gently. "I'm glad." She hated that she still blushed over the small things he did. "So...are you going to tell me his name?" "Hm? Oh, y-yeah, of course. His name is...uh....Obito." she says the name a bit lowly. Sasuke puts one of the twins down and looks to the ground for a second. 'So...If he were ours, he would've been named after...me?'  "After father, that's great. It's a good name." She can see in his eyes it bothered him, but there was nothing she could do about that. "You planning to pop out anymore? Seems like you're on a roll." She laughs and lightly punches him. "Haha...no, I don't think so. It's a bit overwhelming already. I'm still getting help while I'm at work." He nods. "I see." She clears her throat, and was dying to ask the big question that's been lingering in her mind since he left. "And uh...what about you? How's your......f-family?"

         He looks at her with a raised eye brawl. 'Hmm?..Is she guessing so I spill?....Or does she know and wants me to say it?...She couldn't know. Hn. No matter.'  "What do you mean...?" he says in his normal, careless toned voice as always. "Oh, uh, I just assumed since you left for such a long time... that there must be someone you're seeing or ...maybe have met. Am I wrong?" He sighs and didn't really want her knowing about his personal life. It really wasn't any of her business...but....it didn't really matter at this point. They were both in their own worlds, and it wasn't going to happen between them. "I am seeing someone. But, we don't have any kids." "Oh. Is it...Karin?" He almost chokes on his saliva and starts coughing. "What?? N-no! Why would you assume that??" "Well...she was obviously very much into you. So...I thought you-" "I never liked her that way. I told you that a long time ago." She nods. "Alright....well...who is it?" He sighs again. "Why so interested?" "I don't know....just...want to know the name of the woman who captured your heart."

Lost: His Return (Sakura x Obito x Sasuke x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now