Cravings- Part 11

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           The next day, after finding out their wonderful news, she was technically already 2 weeks pregnant by then, so they decide to start their little journey together. "Which wall should we pick?" she asks him, being excited to do their first real baby thing together, besides making one ;) " about the one in our room...unless you want it in the spare?" She thinks about it and walks to the bedroom looking around and sees it. The spot. "Okay, right here then. Perfect spot." He smiles as he gets a pencil to outline her. She stands against the wall with the right side of her body touching. Wearing only her panties and one of his thin undershirts, he kneels down and begins outlining the shape of her flat tummy first, then along her curvaceous back.

As his pencil comes down, finishing her back, he can't help but sneak in a kiss or two right to her bum. "Mmm...h-hey, waait, I don't want to move till you're done! I want it as accurate as possible." "Oh I'm just look so sexy...I couldn't control myself." She giggles at his seductive tone and pushes him a little so he can move and let her stand back to see his drawing of her. " did I do?" "It's perfect. Now we just have to write the date, week, and trimester." "Yes ma'am!" He gets to work and writes sideways, following the line he drew for her stomach. She smiles and wish she could take a picture of him doing this for her, for them. Next time she was out, she was definitely going to buy a camera. They decide to hold off on permanently overwriting it with pen in case anything unfortunate happens in the beginning, which they were hoping would not. 

It has been 3 weeks now since they were pronounced to be future parents, and her cravings and sensitive senses began. "Something smells..."she says as they are just waking up in the morning. She gets up right away and goes into the kitchen and starts sniffing into the fridge. Obito comes in sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "What's the matter's probably just the food from yesterday." "'s not. I'm gonna find what it is." She empties the whole fridge and then starts cleaning it. "I can't stand it...I have to get rid of it." He only shakes his head seeing her getting a little obsessed about cleaning lately. He doesn't smell anything, but lets her do as she wishes, since the other day he tried to stop her he almost got knocked out with one punch. Helping her put the food back in, she finds it. "This is it! Damn chili is going in the trash." As she's about to throw it, he takes it from her. "Let me throw it in the outside trash so you don't smell it in the house." She nods and lets him take it as she continues to put everything back in the squeaky clean fridge.
            Coming out of work she was starving. She's never felt this hungry in a while. Walking together into town she tells him, "Let's eat at the dumpling house." He nods and follows her lead. They order the usual and just as she bites into the fresh bun, she makes a face. "I thought I wanted this...but now that I taste it. It doesn't taste the same." He reaches over with his chopsticks. "Let me see." and pops her bitten one into his mouth. "Taste the same as usual." She pouts and hates that her palette was acting up. She hated to waste food, especially her favorite dumplings. " want some of mine?" Having a full plate of meat as always, he picks up a slice of beef and holds it out to feed her. Never being a meat kind of gal, she hesitates at first, but gives in. 'Agh, why not. Maybe it'll taste different to me.' She opens her mouth for him, making him smile, and he places the thin strip into her mouth.

            In an instant, she was in heaven. "Oh my god....that's it! That's what I want! That is delicious!" He chuckles as he calls over the waitress, "Two more plates of your beef special please, with ri-" "No rice. Just meat." she cuts him off. "You heard her. Just the beef will do, thanks." He eats some of her dumplings and watches her enjoying every piece of beef that she chews while awaiting the other plates. Almost finishing all the meat, the other two plates come in hot and fresh, the smell of it all just makes her mouth water. She digs right in, as he does himself. "You know how happy this makes me? To see you actually crave what I love everyday?" he says to her, smirking as he eats. She smiles at him and says, "I really didn't see this must have rubbed off on me somehow." "Well..." he clears his throat and swallows his food, "...half of what you're growing in there is that's why. Keiko knows daddy's favorites." She laughs at how cute that sounded coming from him. "Oh are so cute my love." He stands up and gives her a kiss and they continue finishing dinner.

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