Like the old times...2- Part 4

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          As the night continues, Naruto takes another round with Sasuke on pool, while Sakura goes back and socializes with the rest of the group. Reaching already 12 am, Naruto and Hinata had left already back home to relieve the babysitter, leaving the rest a bit drunk to say the least, except for Sasuke. After that one shot, he stopped. Like he had said, he didn't like to drink. Ino and Sakura pretty wasted get up and attempt to make it out the door of the bar, but terribly fail, almost falling if it weren't for Sai catching Ino and Sasuke holding Sakura by the arm. "C-come on Sssaku..o-or I-I won't be able to w-walk you h-home..haha." She was making no sense at this point seeing she couldn't walk home herself. "Well, I guess this is the end of the night for us. Were you going to take that one?" Sai asks Sasuke. "It seems that's the way this is going." He helps up Sakura and holds her by the waist until Ino stops him. "HEY! N-no f-funny business Ssssasuke...o-or I-I w-will personally hurt y-you." Sasuke looks at her with pity since she was so out of it. "I'm not one to take advantage. Good night Ino." "Byyeee IInnnooo...d-don't throw up!" They both start laughing as they head out their separate ways.
            After a few minutes her drunk butt finally notices who was next to her and she pushes herself away from him. "H-hey! I d-didn't ask fffor your h-help." she stumbles to the side and leans on the wall. Her heels were making it difficult for her to walk, so she takes them off and walks barefoot through the streets. He just sighs and follows her until he sees her trip on nothing, almost meeting the floor if it weren't for his quick move. "Enough of this." He stands her up for a second as he places his cape around her and picks her up bridal style. "I'm taking a short cut, hang on." He jumps up to the roof top and takes her towards home. Already being in his warm embrace, she nods off a bit and has a hard time keeping herself awake. No more than 30 seconds later they were at her front door step. "Give me your key". Being half asleep, but still hearing him, she slips her hand inside her bra and starts touching her breast. "Wh-what are you doing?" he says gulping while looking at her. Then she pulled it out without ever opening her eyes. As he takes it, the key felt so warm, he gripped it and tried not to think about the images in his mind at the moment. 
            He walks in to lay her down in her bed, placing her shoes to the side. As he's covering her up, she mumbles to him, "Don't leave...ssssstay...don't leave meee alone.." He closes his eyes as his back was already turned towards her making his way out, and sighs. "You'll be fine without me...get some sleep." He keeps going to the door until he hears stumbling and a hug coming from behind. "P-please m-my l-love...ssstay w-with me." 'My love? ...does she think I'm...her person?' He turns to see her dress becoming even more out of place, her breasts coming out more from the front, causing him to blush. "Fine..fine. Get back into bed." He walks her back and covers her up once again and lays himself next to her, in a bed he really didn't want to be laying in. He looks up at the ceiling, leaning his arms behind his head, he closes his eyes just for a moment, as he feels her arm come around his waist, her small hand touching the other side. "Sakura...I'm not-" "Hug me...j-just...hold me..." she says very quietly. He turns to see her drunk eyes wide open and looking straight at him, her green very much shining and sparkling. He turns to her and puts his arm around her blanket covered waist and scoots over closer to her. As soon as he got closer, she moved herself into him, letting herself be embraced and covered with his over all warmth of his body. She nuzzles her face into his sturdy chest and takes in his smell...that scent of his that still made her heart smile no matter how much she tried to not believe it. He kisses the top of her head, as he hears her breathing pattern slow down, and become more constant, letting him know she was drifting off. He smiles and closes his eyes once again, falling asleep for the first time in 4 years next to the woman he loved...he had always loved.

            The next morning, her eyes opened in the early to be met with a vest, his vest. Looking up, she sees him still asleep, his hair long and messy, and his new improved arm wrapped around her so tightly. Having a bit of a headache, she snuggles back into him and smiles, feeling so serene next to him. Falling back into a sleep, he wakes up now, and looks down to see her so peaceful. He smiles and closes his eyes for a little while longer, not wanting to move or disturb her. About an hour later, they both wake up almost at the same moment, and yawn. She sits up and holds her head, still feeling a bit trashed from last night. "You want some water?" "Umm...I can get it." "Really, it's no problem. Stay here." He gets up and goes the kitchen. "Here", he comes back in a flash and she drinks the whole cup almost instantly, and lays back down. Coming around the bed, he climbs on and comes right above her. She gets a bit nervous, but lets him. Holding himself up to not squish her with his weight, his lips come by her ear and whispers, "I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me...let me spend the day with you...right here. And let my words tell my story." She closes her eyes as her emotions for him awaken. He moves back in front of her and looks into her eyes, waiting for her response. "Lay next to me.." she says softly, her big green eyes gazing right through his. They end up spending the entire day as he said, with her in bed next to him, listening to the travels he went on, the people he encountered, the villages still in perish due to the war, and the times he spent thinking of her. No kissing, no trying anything, just listening, and randomly holding hands in the times of emotional connection. It was calm... nice...peaceful...perfect for them both. They needed this, to understand one another once again, to bond, for her to see that she never left his heart.

Lost: His Return (Sakura x Obito x Sasuke x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now