I'm fine, beautiful- Part 16

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         5 days had passed, and Sakura was glued to him, just like Lady Tsunade was afraid would happen if she let her in. Everybody tried. Ino...Hinata...Hanabi...Tsunade....even Kakashi, but nobody could get her to go home. They would bring her food, and made sure she was fed...but she would hardly touch any of it. Since he was in a coma like state, she took it into her hands to make sure his bandages were switched out when they needed to be, that his urine bag was emptied when it got half way full, to give him a light sponge bath where ever she could see it was possible to give it. He didn't like hospitals one bit...she knew this...and she didn't want him to wake up one day and be alone and do something crazy like the last time, pulling out IV's, and give everybody a hard time. It would only embarrass him later, and cause more problems. 

          Meanwhile, Kakashi had gotten the word out to the other lands and Kazekages about the incident, about the losses, but that it was under control now for the moment. He could now officially state that it was an Otsukitsi, there's a suspicion of another still out there, and to keep on the look out. Though it wasn't the best plan he had ever conjured, he wanted to not cause a panic in their world of peace, and have the land of fire deal with it their own way without having to call others, and possibly have more lives lost that didn't need to be. He did get responses back from the other Kazekages, and got some bad lashes thrown at him for dealing with the situation alone, but at the same time, they were grateful to have the situation dealt with, and advised him to see them still as part of the allied shinobi, as comrades, as family. He did write back, responded with utmost apologies if he had offended anyone by his action, but he explained that because it was only happening within their land, he felt it was his duty to take care of it. He knew it was selfish to put his best Shinobi's lives on the line, but they did commit themselves as soldiers for the village, and whatever needed to be done at all costs...they must abide by the command of the Hokage.

          It was about 7 pm, and she was taking a nap by his side until she heard a knock at the door. Bringing in a bag of food that hit her nose instantly, making her mouth water, the blonde comes to sit by her and takes his first look at Obito. He sighs and rubs her shoulder, making her become emotional right away. "He's...he's been asleep now for 3 weeks. But...he-he's breathing..." she says. "He's gonna be alright. I know it. I feel it. You guys are gonna be fine." Naruto says. He hadn't come by until now only because of Sasuke. He takes in a deep breath and decides to tell her. "You know...Obito loves this village just as much as Sasuke. Though it's hard for them to show it. They'd do anything to protect it...and you."
           A tear starts running down her face. "Why are you saying this?" "Did you know...Obito wanted Sasuke to survive over his own life if anything went wrong. It was something he felt deeply about, even though they have their differences." Sakura just shakes her head and tightens her grip slightly onto his cold hand. "You idiot....why would you do that.." she whispers as her tears started up again and couldn't control them. "How...how do you know this...Naruto?" "Eat first..." he says as he opens the bag he brought and holds up a simple bowl of Obito's favorite meat with rice. Through the years, Naruto had grown closer to Obito and bonded at another level ever since him and Sakura were together. It was comforting. He felt like he was just like him, like he felt the same pain as he did throughout his life. 

          After taking a bite, she couldn't stop, and practically gobbled up the whole thing. Naruto only watched her and gave her a small smile. He loved Sakura...he really did...as a comrade, as a close friend, as family. He might have been in love with her for most of his child life, but now...things were different, he was more mature, and he knew his place and where his heart belonged. "Sakura-chan. The only reason I know..is because I ran into Sasuke. It was about a week ago...I knew it was him crossing through the trees from the feel of his chakra...and he was so angry...so sad...so frustrated, it was hard to ignore. I couldn't let him just pass me by without stopping him." Right away she knew what day that was obviously...and already feeling guilty about what she had said to him...she knew it was too late to take it back. "Sakura...Sasuke tried his best. He did. All our battles are different, every enemy has their own surprises...you know this. He knew you would be upset when they got back...and bringing Obito the way they did, but...whatever you said....you.." he pauses for a moment. "...you hurt him pretty bad." 

Lost: His Return (Sakura x Obito x Sasuke x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now