Mission-3- Part 14

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Obito quickly locks eyes with Sasuke as they all head towards where this ridiculous chakra was coming from. He decides to talk to Sasuke using their Sharingan and hoped she wouldn't hear. 'Sasuke...did you have a plan?' 'I honestly don't. Not until we get there...and see what we're up against.' 'Ooohh...what a clever man you are.' The voice once again intervenes in their conversation, and both of them give each other eyes of panic. "Fucking shit..." Obito lets out. He's dealt with Madara...he's dealt with the zetsus....but this type of ability...this was a first. But he tried to not let it worry him...it wouldn't do any good anyhow.

Being now 2 miles closer, the feeling was getting stronger and stronger. Seeing the 'kids' from a distance, they were sweating...they were nervous as hell. "No...no I'm not!!" Konohamaru suddenly shouted. He takes a quick glance at Hanabi and sees her holding her head and shaking it back and forth a little. Obito figured something. 'She can talk to us...individually. Geez...' A few seconds later. 'Mmm...I think you're one of the most intelligent humans I've met so far. Figuring out the distance I can communicate....observing your pathetic fellow teammates. Very good...I can't wait to meet you...'. He kind of gulps, but then keeps his mind clear. Coming closer and closer, they see the trees start lessening...having a plain view of another small town crushed to smithereens. As they hide themselves behind the last of the trees, they look at one another and decide to go in their formation they've talked about well before even running into her.

Sasuke steps out first, and scans the area, trying to locate her. Using his Sharingan, he right away sees her far across the way next to a fresh fallen building, having her hand around a civilian's neck, their lifeless body clearly just hanging now from her grip. Hanabi seeing her right away, could see just how much energy was running through her body, through her blood, through her veins. It was extreme...and it scared her very much so. 'This is...just...amazing. I've never seen one person with this amount of chakra flowing through them without...without overloading themselves...'. She hears a giggle, but nothing else. As Sasuke makes his way across the way, she drops the body on the floor without a care and in a flash, disappears into thin air. Sasuke stops in his tracks, and looks around quickly, only to have her appear right in front of him without warning. Wearing a long white sash to go around her  entire body, enough to cover the private parts with her long white hair loose around her, she gets close to his face and leans in.

"Mmm...well well...what a fine looking human you are." He jumps back far enough to keep his distance and tries getting her into a genjutsu, but it doesn't work. This female looking being just stands there looking at him amused. He wonders what went wrong...until he sees it. The clear shield that was surrounding all the way around every inch of her body was made of electrical currents, letting anything that came at her bounce off, like a trampoline. 'Arrgh. This is gonna be a bitch...'. "Haha...oh won't it? I bet you don't even know who in the hell you're talking to....do you?" "Should I?" he says with an irritated tone. "Mhm...you absolutely should." She gets close to him on that last part, leaning so close, he could smell the blood in her breath that was clearly not hers. He backs up once again, then she decides to introduce herself. "The names Katsuko...but you can call me Kat, handsome." He ignores her passes at him and says "Who are you, and what is your purpose for destroying the lives of thousands of people?" "Hmm? Oh...this?" she looks around with her pearly white eyes as she outlines her curvaceous body with her hand. "Meh...was just a little bored, and frustrated not finding exactly who I'm looking for." "Bored??...And who might that be?" "Mmm...question after question...I don't think I want to tell you now..." 

In that split second, being somewhat preoccupied, Obito decides to use his teleportation to get close enough and give her a nice surprise attack. Does it work? It sure does. Giving her a nice pounding hit with his right arm sent her flying back into the building where she was originally standing not long ago. "Obito! What the fuck! I told you to-" "It was perfect timing. Did you see that??" Sasuke just covers his face, "You're such a child..." Obito only smirks. "Haha! I've been ready for a fight. You don't even know...". The white female gets up, dusting herself off, and comes right back at Obito with the same force, except, he saw her coming straight on, and dodges her just in time.

Lost: His Return (Sakura x Obito x Sasuke x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now