Freaks (Up Worried)

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Freaks (Up Worried)


It sounded like a good idea at the time. Oh let's go down the tunnel. I should've known that Annie has her problems. She doesn't really want to be alone. It's going to be a long story. Please bear with me here.

Annie acts tough on the outside. But she's scared on the inside. I only got to see that side of her only once. I remember that day too. She was about ten years old. I was playing in my backyard when I heard sobbing.

"Hm?" I said to myself. I walked over to the shed next door. The crying got louder as I kept walking.

"Hello?" I asked. I walked around to the front. I peeked through the window. Annie sat on the ground with her knees to her chest, crying. I ended up pushing open the door a crack.

"Annie?" I asked. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I pushed the door open wider and went inside. Annie tried to look away. I walked over to her.

"What's the matter?" I asked. She wouldn't answer. She didn't have to. I sat down next to her and stay with for a long time.

Annie's not as tough as she pretends to be. I want to tell her that she doesn't have anything to prove. I didn't think about that when she wanted to go down into that hatch.

I looked down at my radio. How long has it been? I turned over to look at my clock. 12:28? It didn't feel like it. I should go out and get her right now. I looked at my bedroom door. I already had that old man on my ass already. I can't risk getting out of bed and sneaking out of the house. I swear that he has the hearing of a bat. I puffed up my cheeks. But Annie needs me down there. I looked over at my closet. Would I even get time to pack a bag?

I clicked on my radio.

"Annie?" I whispered. "Annie, are you there? Hello? Hello?" I heard a crackling noise over the other line.

"Annie? Annie, is that you? Annie? Annie?" I asked. There was nothing on the other end. My stomach turned. Come on. Be there. Be there! I heard a low crackling on the other line.

"Annie?" I asked. I tried to make out what I was hearing over the radio. Just to be safe, I looked at my bedroom door. Chances are the old man was asleep by now. Still, I don't want to wake him up again to chew me out. I should go out there and see. I gritted my teeth. You know what? I'm going to do it.

I climbed out of bed as quietly as I could. There wasn't much time for me to pack like Annie did. If I left now, I could go and find her before she goes any further. There shouldn't be much down there, right?

I threw some clothes on and grabbed my backpack. I wasn't going to need much if I was going down there just to retrieve Annie. There was no way that she had gone that far already. It's only been like a few minutes. She should be fine.

I looked at my door again and took a listen. There's nothing but snoring now. Good. I could make this quit. I unzipped backpack and reached around inside. Come on, where is it? I'm sure I left it in here. It would be better if I had a light on. No, that would wake up the old man. Shit.

My fingers touched hard plastic. I think that's it. Only way to find out. I pulled out the object from my bag. Click. A light flashed on in my room. Sweet! Part one down. I just need some water and a blanket. I took a moment to think. The blanket would be in the hall closet and the water would be in the kitchen. I puffed up my cheeks.


I was going to have to try and be quiet until I got outside. I took another listen and I held my breath. Good, the old man is still snoring. I looked over at the clock by my bed. 12:47 a.m. I only have a few more minutes left to go. If I am going to go, I will have to do it now.

I took a breath and opened my door a crack. Nothing but snoring so far. I can't stop and listen every second. Keep moving. I took quick and quiet steps to the closet hall. This was always the tricky part. The wooden floors creaked with the slightest step. One sound could wake up that old man and I would be forced to start over. I am going to have to do this as fast as I could.

I slowed down my steps to the hall closet. My hand reached out for the knob. Deep breath. I turned the door knob as softly and slowly as I could. There was a pause in the snoring. My heart jumped in my chest. Shit. Then the snoring came back again. I could feel my heart calming down, but I still had work to do. I opened the closet and reached inside. I grabbed the first blanket I could and tucked it under my arm. I used my other hand to close the door. Okay, blanket secured. Now for the water.

I turned and looked down the stairs. If the hall made noise when you walked down, the stairs were going to be worse. I'm not out of the woods yet. Still, Annie needed me. She could be in trouble. I took in another breath.


I began my slow and quiet walk down the stairs. I kept looking over my shoulder and listening in the dark. The old man was still snoring. Good, good. Keep moving. Keep moving. When did these stairs get so long? There were only two stories to this house, right? I took another listen. The old man was still snoring. Good. I forced myself to speed up as fast as I could.

I could only breathe out once I reached the bottom of the stairs. I rubbed my forehead. When did all of this get so hard? I couldn't think about that now.

I shoved the blanket into my backpack the best that I could. I just had to keep it from falling out. I marched over to the kitchen. Three bottles of water later and I was ready to go. I took one more breath at the front door. I unlocked it and put my shoes on.

Wait for me, Annie.

I opened the door and walked out as quietly as Icould. Once I closed it, the rescues mission began.

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