40. Get used to it

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I wake up in the morning to the feeling of kisses along my upper back, and gentle fingers tracing lines across my skin.

"Morning baby" I hear behind me, Nate's voice slightly groggy and deeper than normal and I try to ignore the rush of heat it sends across my body.

"Mmm, good morning" I respond, rolling onto my back and gazing up at Nate as he leans above me on his elbow, small smile on his face and a warm look in his eyes that makes my heart twist in my chest.

"How do you feel?" he asks, planting a kiss on the side of my head and running his hand along the soft skin of my stomach.

"Good. What about you? Any regrets?" I tease, only half joking and taking note of the disapproving look he sends me at my failed attempt at acting nonchalant.

"With you? Never"

He leans forward to kiss me quickly before I can protest about the fact I haven't brushed my teeth and climbs out of bed, sending me a wink as he pulls on his pants,

"Coffee?" He asks, hair a mess on his head from sleeping and his cheeks slightly flushed from the warmth in the room. I nod my head in response and lean over to pick up my phone, smiling at him as he opens the door and makes his way down to my kitchen.

I scroll through my notifications for a minute, noticing a text from Keira,

'Where the fuck is my purple bag' and I laugh as I read her message that she sent 30 minutes ago,

'How the fuck should I know and why were you up at 8:30 on a Saturday?' I reply, about to open Instagram when a shout from downstairs startles me,

"What the fuck!" I hear and jump out of bed at the tone of Nate's voice, grabbing a clean pair of underwear and a t-shirt on the floor, slipping them both on and jogging downstairs,

"Nate? Is everything okay?" I ask apprehensively, almost afraid of what I might find in my kitchen, mentally preparing myself for whatever I might be walking into.

I stop short in the doorway as my eyes land on Nate, stood mouth agape and a mug clasped loosely in his hand. I follow his eye line and choke on my breath as I see what he's so shocked at.

Keira, hanging halfway in my kitchen window, bag dropped on the side and hair strewn across her face, of course. Her hand are out and holding her up as she hangs awkwardly, wide grin on her lips as she looks at Nate, before her eyes come over to me, taking note of my half-dressed state.

"Well hello" she says, and I burst out laughing at the fact that Nate is still frozen in place,

"Hi K" I reply, walking to Nate and taking the cup from his hands, placing on the kitchen side and watching when he finally realises I've appeared in the kitchen, opening his mouth to probably ask me what's going on when he flinches at the thud behind us as Keira hits the floor.

I don't even turn my head to check on her, so used to this behaviour and watching his reaction, his eyes wide and concerned as she lays sprawled out on the floor.

"Um, are you okay?" he asks her almost reluctantly, and his brows shoot up in surprise as she launches herself off the kitchen floor and into one of the stools in the kitchen,

"All good Natey boy" she says and sends him a quick wink, smiling at me when he shakes his head and moves behind me to make three coffees.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I ask, leaning on the island across from her and folding my hands together, watching as she sits up a little straighter and clears her throat, thanking Nate when he puts the mug in front of her and coming to stand next to me.

He steps away briefly to pick up the coasters from the side behind him and I see Keira's eyes dart over to him, widening and then shooting back to me and grinning. She leans back in her seat and crosses her hands over her stomach, raising her eyebrows at Nate when he returns to his place next to me.

"Anything you wonderful folks wish to disclose to me?" she asks and I feel the confusion washing over the pair of us,

"For fucks sake" she says, throwing her hands up, "Have neither of you seen the damage you've inflicted on his shoulders?" and I instantly turn to look at him as he turns his back so I can look.

I feel a sense of pride wash over me as I see the nail marks scattered across his shoulders, half moon shapes and some red lines marking the muscled skin. I laugh and nod at him as he turns to look at my reaction, smirking and kissing me on the cheek, chuckling into his coffee,

"So you guys finally did the deed huh?" she asks, waggling her brows at us and sipping her coffee, "How was it? Both of you give me deets" and Nate shakes his head,

"Not a fucking chance Keira. Why is it you almost killed yourself climbing in here this morning?" he asks and I note the way her neck seems to grow pink,

"Are you fucking blushing?" I gasp out and dodge her attempt at hitting me, laughing when Nate pushes me behind him so I can get away from her,

"Fuck the both of you" she mutters,

"Already done" Nate retorts, pulling me in front of him and caging me in with his arms either side of me as we stand and look at Keira,

"I need advice" she mutters, sitting up straighter in her seat, "I have a brunch date" she spits the words out as if they taste bitter,

"I have never done a sober date before. What the fuck am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to act?" she asks, and I realise how much this must mean to her,

"Just be yourself K, this guy needs to know you, for you. Don't try and be something you're not" I tell her and feel Nate nodding his head behind me, "You're amazing and any guy would be lucky to date you"

She sends me a grateful smile and chews on her bottom lip, spewing a jumble of words that I can't understand,

"Repeat that for me" I tell her and she takes a deep breath, folding her hands on the island in front of her and looking me square in the eyes,

"JD" she spits out and I raise my brow at her, "I'm going on a date with JD" and I hear Nate choke on his coffee, earning a swift elbow in the gut from me and he takes a step back, rubbing the spot with his hand and sending me a glare.

"Um, okay. Okay" I nod, "When did this happen?" and she shrugs,

"We've been texting on and off for a few weeks and he called me yesterday. Told me he wants to take me out and that was that" judging by the way she's chewing on her lip as her eyes dart between us I know this is something she really is nervous about. I lean over and place my hand on top of hers, sending her a confident smile and opening my mouth so I can boost her confidence,

"Definitely just be yourself, JD is clearly into you. Can't remember the last time he asked someone on a date" Nate tells her and my heart feels warm at the fact he's trying to help my best friend feel better, noting the grateful smile she sends him.

She stands, putting her empty mug in the sink and pulling both of us into a hug,

"You're both so right, I'm a catch and I need to prove that to him" and she squeezes us tighter when we laugh, pulling back and grinning at the both of us,

"Thanks mum and dad" and she heads for the front door, yelling her goodbyes and telling me she'll keep me updated, shutting the front door behind her with a thud.

"Does she often break in?" Nate asks, and I nod my head at him, smiling as he wraps his arms around my back and pulls me into him,

"I offered her a key but she refused. Said she enjoys the challenge" I tell him laughing as I say it, "You should get used to it honestly, it won't be the last time you witness that" and he pulls me tighter to him, kissing me and murmuring,

"I can get used to it"

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