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Alright, so my name is Grace and I don't know anything else about myself. Dr. Thomas, the therapist I've seen a few times, said keeping a journal might help with my memories. I've been living with Tony for over a week and so far nothing solid, just scrambled flashes. Faces, smells, sounds. Randomly and out of the blue. It's confusing.

Tony explained that the place he found me was an abandoned military base owned by an organization called HYDRA, and they probably used me for experiments. I have a million scars so it adds up. A guy called Zemo shot me in the head while I was frozen because he wanted revenge for the death of his family and the destruction of his country. It's kind of a long story.

I have no physical injuries, hence the therapist. Yesterday Tony created an OR in the house and got a medical team to remove the bullet from my head. The surgeon explained I have a 'different biological structure' that makes me heal injuries at a 'beyond superhuman speed'. They had to open my skull very fast because the incision kept closing before they could get to the bullet. None of them knows how or why I was the only one like this, but it saved me.

Dr. Thomas gave me these 'experiments' to try triggering my memories and they worked to an extent. Turns out I like jazz, I'm addicted to coffee and terrified of heights. Tony showed me the rooftop last night and I almost fainted. I'm also somewhat good with sketching, I made this yesterday.

Sometimes I see a face or hear a sound that's actually a memory, which can be terrifying

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Sometimes I see a face or hear a sound that's actually a memory, which can be terrifying. I've overheard voices of people who aren't real and sometimes a strong scent of formalin hits me out of nowhere. The guy from the drawing too, I have no clue who he is or what he means to me, or even if he means anything at all.

There's the dreams too, almost every night, but they bring even more questions. I see a bunch of scenarios and sometimes all I know for sure is that I have to run. For the first 3 nights I woke up screaming, so Dr Thomas gave me some pills that help with that.

I showed the drawing to Tony, but he said even though it's very good, he has no idea who this is. He ran my fingerprints on a 'system' of some kind, but no luck. It's gonna sound horrible, but I don't have much of a rush to remember things. Life with Tony is fun. We watch movies and he tells me about his life, he's a nice man. I won't stop trying, obviously I can't live like this forever. But hopefully we can still be close once I'm me again. That would be nice.

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