Part: 23

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Namjoon: Hello Kim Y/N.

- You ignored him and sat opposite to him. You looked into his eyes fiercely.

Y/N: Why do you want to meet me?

- Namjoon chuckles and says.

Namjoon: I just wanted to see you.

Y/N: Namjoon just get straight to point.

Namjoon: Fine.

- His expression changes to serious one.

Namjoon: You should leave Jungkook.

- You crossed your arms and asked.

Y/N: And why should I do that?

Namjoon: He isn't right person for you.

- You laughed and looked away.

Y/N: Then I would also like to give you the advice.

- Namjoon frowns.

Y/N: You should leave Jiyeon. She will destroy you if kept on ignoring her actions.

- You leaned forward and rested your elbows against the table.

Y/N: Or are you already aware of her actions?

- Namjoon looks down and smiles mockingly.

Namjoon: Of course. I'm aware of everything she does and that is the reason why I'm asking you to leave Jungkook and join hands with me.

- Your jaw dropped and you stared at him in disbelief.

Y/N: Jungkook is not cheating on me. He told me every single thing which happened when he met Jiyeon. Jiyeon was the one who was forcing herself on him.

- Namjoon looks away and sighs with frustration.

Y/N: Wait...

- You then thought.

Y/N: Do you still love me?

- You asked him making him look at you. He looks at his coffee and proceeds to ignore your question.

Y/N: Namjoon I'm asking something.

- You looked away.

Namjoon: Will you believe if I said the truth?

- You looked at him again. His dragon eyes were intimidating you and making you weak under his gaze.

Y/N: What do you mean?

- You asked while lowering your tone as you were intrigued.

Namjoon: I'm sorry.


- Jimin was watching you both since a long time. He felt like he should be by your side but he forced himself to not intrude.

Jimin: What is she doing? Do they both know each other? Why does everything seems so messed up between them?

- This questions were running in his mind as he eavesdrop the conversation. But the thing which made his blood boil was when Namjoon asked.

When he asked you to leave Jungkook.

Jimin: Why? Why is he doing this?

- Jimin suddenly got froze at his place as he heard you asking.

Y/N: Do you still love me?

- It was hard for him to process.

Jimin: W-What...


"It's Complicated" | Jungkook FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now