12. a brandy woman

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The loud sound of a door shutting somewhere causes my eyes to flash open, abruptly tearing me from my sleep, and I immediately squint.

Bright — it's way too bright in here. I raise my head up, shielding my vision as I wait for it to adjust to the sunlight.

Memories of last night flood through my mind, all consisting of Aurelia. Her moaning my name, the taste of her arousal on my tongue...but then, my thoughts transition to the way her soft sniffles tore through me, the way she sought solace in my arms, the way she cradled my face.

I suddenly glance down to the empty bed beside me; it's only now that I realize she isn't here. I furrow my brows together. I can still smell her on my sheets — vanilla and cherry blossoms.

God, I fucking hope I can take that scent with me when I leave this Earth.

The door slam woke me up, which means she must still be somewhere in the apartment. An amused thought arises within me — is sweet Ella sneaking off?

Well, I intend to catch her.

I rise from the bed, tousling my messy curls quickly as I rush to the door, pulling it open. She's still here; I can hear her scrambling in the guest room as I walk into the hall.

I freeze when she emerges from the guest room, clutching the dress she wore last night and her purse to her chest. She doesn't turn back to look at me, thankfully; in fact, her attention is entirely preoccupied.

Her left hand holds her phone to her ear, taking the steps two at a time as she speaks softly, "No, Lyds, I—"

I peer and lean over the rail at the head of the stairs, calling out "It's awfully rude to walk out on someone the morning after."

Sweet Aurelia quickly whips her entire body around to face me, her eyes wide and her cheeks reddening. Her pink lips part, her jaw slacking open as an expression of surprise takes over her features. She looks even more beautiful in the mornings, even if I did take her off guard.

She makes it so easy.

"Lydia, I — um— I have to go!" Ella speaks quickly into the phone before she jams a finger down onto the screen, hanging up. She still wears that look of shock as I descend down the staircase, unable to help the smirk that creeps onto my own face.

"Aurelia," I begin as my foot hits the floor, running a hand through my hair again. "Didn't we say we were done avoiding each other?"

I tilt my head to the side in thought; in the light of day, our deep conversation last night is pushed aside. Certainly not forgotten, but I know I can play with her with the sunlight breaking through the clouds — a sign that life keeps going, that we can persist and be strong despite all that we've experienced, all the hardships.

Aurelia's cheeks redden as I step closer to her, and a strand of her hair that's escaped her low bun falls in front of her face. I reach up to gently tuck it behind her ear, behind that little sunflower tattoo, as she says "I didn't wanna wake you..."

She allows herself to nestle into my palm as I bask in the feeling of her feeling so comfortable with me.

The sight of that sunflower tattoo of hers sparks an idea in my head.

"Well, then I'm lucky I did wake up," I say softly. "You look beautiful in the mornings..." Her cheeks redden and I can feel myself go warm inside.

I'll do whatever I can to make you blush, fuckin' pretty girl.

"Well, it's noon," Ella suddenly blurts out, then her cheeks really do turn beet red. I can't help the loud laugh that escapes my mouth.

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