5. the privilege of a drink

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Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I really did it this time, didn't I?

I knew my fucking ego and overconfidence would bite me in the ass eventually. And with my shit luck, it had to have happened tonight while I was with the most gorgeous girl.

I shouldn't have reached up to touch her, I shouldn't have startled her. I should have asked her first if I could touch her, god. I got too freaking cocky, that's what.

Now I've fucking scared her off — and rightfully so, too. I rise up from the couch, catching sight of her red figure running out the front entrance of the club.

I shouldn't run after her, but I've got to apologize to her; it's the least I can do. I hurriedly walk over to the staircase, taking them two at a time as I make my way to the bottom. I push past the crowds of people, ignoring those who turn to do a double take as I pass them by.

When I open up the doors, I'm met with the scent of fresh rain. It's not falling as heavily as before, but it's enough to need an umbrella. The paparazzi is still outside, despite the wet weather, and they flash their cameras again as they call my name. I ignore them, turning to look in the direction that I saw Aurelia head in.

Where could she be?

How far could she really have walked in this rain, in such a short amount of time?

I head down the block, trying — and failing — to shield myself from the rainfall, until I catch sight of Tom's car. I run over, pulling open the door to the back seat and sliding in.

"Tom! Didn't I tell you I'd call? How long have you been here?" I ask, leaning between the seats to peer at my friend. He simply shrugs, gesturing at the pouring rain outside.

"It's raining, I thought I'd just wait here," he replies, and I shake my head. He's always too good.

"Have you seen a girl pass by here? She wore a red dress..." I ask, and as soon as the words leave my mouth, Tom nods.

"Oh, yes! She was running from the rain, I think I saw her head that way," he replies, and before I open my mouth to tell him to head in the direction Aurelia ran off in, he's already putting the car in drive.

I frantically look out the window, ignoring the droplets of water on the glass as I peer between them. I flit my eyes between the brownstoned buildings as Tom drives slowly up the streets.

Goddamn it — where could she be?

Luckily, my mental question is quickly answered, as my eyes suddenly fall on a figure of red.

"There, she's there!"

My eyes fall on Aurelia, and I nearly let loose a sigh of relief. She's leaned against a brick building, her eyes closed shut as if she's in thought. Tom turns into the street.

It's starting to come down even heavier now, and she's been out here for a few minutes now — enough for her to get sick. Plus, she's drenched. She must be freezing.

Despite the weather, she doesn't look troubled. I don't know about her mind, but she looks surprisingly calm as she stands there in the rain, allowing it to fall across her cheeks.

Tom pulls the car to a slow stop, and the purr of the engine causes her to shoot her eyes open. I immediately open the back door, climbing out into the rain to join her without so much of a single thought.

"Ella?" I call out, her nickname leaving my lips with ease.

It's the first that I've called her that since I first heard it last night. I'm surprised at how quickly it left my mouth without me having to think about it; almost as if it was instinct.

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