Chapter 34 - Enterprise Re-engage!

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The same purple plasma beams that hit Capt. Fernandez's F-18 appeared again and hit Enterprise's aircraft this time. Her plane had spiralled rapidly and quickly sinks into the sea. Despite struggling to control the hijacked Siren jet. Capt. Fernandez circles the area to look for his girlfriend. He then transmits a radio message hoping that whoever is with Enterprise. Might pick up his transmission and immediately reply to him.

Capt. Fernandez: This is Capt. Fernandez. If there are any friendly forces out here please respond. Lt. Price has just been hit by purple plasma beams. I'm currently circling the area. Request back up and a rescue helicopter to pick her up.

Capt. Fernandez waits thirty minutes for someone to reply to his message. He continues to circle the place and flies below radar detection. Once again purple plasma beams suddenly appeared and tries to take him down as well. But this time the source of beams revealed themselves.

????: We finally caught you human.

????: Do you think you can escape that easily from us?

Capt. Fernandez: Observer Alpha, and Tester Beta. I should have known.

Just as both Sirens are about to answer back to. A radio message comes into Capt. Fernandez's communication line.

????: "This HMS Hood captain. We're sorry for the delayed response. We are currently engaged in combat with the Sirens. Please reply. Over.

Capt. Fernandez: Great timing Miss Hood. I'm currently engaged with two Sirens right now. Lt. Price has been shot down. I don't know if she survived or not. But these icy waters are enough to kill a human being. Contact Azur Lane headquarters and tell your commander to get in touch with President Mullins. Tell her to ask him to request a search and retrieval team from US forces based in Ramstein, Germany.

Hood: "Will do captain. By the way our radars have detected Iron Blood's fleet in the area. We don't know what is their purpose for coming to the North Pole. I just hope that they are not in cahoots with the Sirens.

Capt. Fernandez: "I suspect that they are going to rescue me and take me as their prisoner. I will explain everything what I am talking about later. Now you better do what I ordered you to do.

Hood: "Aye aye sir! Hood out "

After talking with Hood over the radio. Capt. Fernandez once again concentrates his focus on Observer Alpha and Tester Beta. He checked the weapons load out of the jet he hijacked. The missile slots were all empty. All that is left is its internal cannon. The two Sirens decided to shoot him again. Capt. Fernandez tried his best to evade their guns. This time he can't switch from throttle to joystick. If he goes for the throttle it's all over for him. He decides to put the jet into full speed. The Azur Lane ship girls are still faraway from his location and are engaging the other Sirens. Iron Blood sees the ensuing battle on the sea and in the air.

They decide to help the Azur Lane fleet and engage the Sirens as well. However, they still have the ulterior motive to try and take Capt. Fernandez as their prisoner. It was a repeat of what happened last time around. But this time there are no human controlled ships and aircraft in the area. Capt. Fernandez tries his best to dodge every shot attempted by Observer Alpha and Tester Beta. However his aircraft is slowly losing fuel. It begins to gradually decrease in speed. And starts to pitch downwards.

Capt. Fernandez: "Damnit!!! This is not good! Ugh! I'm can't control it anymore. Might as well bail out before I crash into the sea."

Capt. Fernandez punches the ejection seat and bails out. As soon as he gets out of the cockpit another barrage of purple plasma beams hits the his jet. Meanwhile on the other side of his area. The small fleet from Azur Lane headquarters has managed to beat a few Siren ships. They begin skating to where the fallen pilot is. The fleet from Iron Blood also rushes to where Capt. Fernandez is. Both parties see his parachute. They also see Observer Alpha and Tester Beta in hot pursuit of the hotshot pilot.

Meanwhile in the bottom of the icy waters. Enterprise is sinking slowly into the abyss. She is unconscious and barely breathing. She begins to feel the stinging cold water slowly freezes her human body. At this point she is reminded of the day where she fought Purifier in the air. And when she destroyed a missile launched by the Orochi from hitting Azur Lane.

Enterprise's thoughts:

*I failed..... Here I am sinking slowly into the abyss. While my boyfriend is up there struggling to stay alive. I don't know what is currently happening in the sky. I never thought that I would drown in the water again. The last time I felt this was after I shot down a long range missile intended for Azur Lane. The blast knocked me out. I thought that it was going to be the end of me. That was until she showed up again in my thoughts. My counterpart created by the black wisdom cube. Code G. Also known as Alterprise. It was her power that resurrected me and appearing in front of the Orochi. Now that I am completely human. It will never happen again. I'm sorry Willy, I couldn't save you. Should I die here. I'm glad to meet you and my friends Cathy and May. And it was fun working with all of you. Farewell captain of my heart.*

End of Enterprise's thoughts.

As she continues to sink. A familiar voice speaks to Enterprise in her subconscious. Her counterpart decides to show up once again.

????: It is not right that you should die here in the cold water Enterprise.

Enterprise: What? Who are you? How do you know my old name?

????: It seems that your memory about me has disappeared at the time of your scrapping. Allow me to introduce myself once again. My name is Code G. I'm also known as Alterprise.

Enterprise: Now I remember you. You're the one who who showed me the tragic fate that my friends met.

Alterprise: Yes. It seems that you're enjoying your normal life now. You found happiness with a man who showed you how to live a normal human life.

Enterprise: Yes. I don't regret every single day that I live as a human being. But now it seems that I won't be able to see him anymore.

Alterprise: Like I said earlier. It's not right that you should die here. I am willing to lend you my power again in order for you to save him.

Enterprise: But if I use your power once again I will return to being a ship girl.

Alterprise: It will only be temporary. But it's up to you if you want to be a ship girl again.

Enterprise gives a thought about the idea of using Code G's power. One hand she can save the man she loves who is still in danger. On the other hand the possibility of returning to her old self might make her end her relationship with Capt. Fernandez. She decides to accept Code G's offer in using her power for one last time.

Enterprise: Alright I will accept your offer. Only on the premise that it will be temporary so that I can enjoy being a normal human being once this is over. So do we have a deal?

Alterprise: Yes! We have a deal.

For one final moment. A surge of power rushes into Enterprise's body. A glowing light begins to lift her up. At this moment Capt. Fernandez is having trouble with his parachute. Although it has completely opened. He has a hard time balancing in the air. He's also having problems looking for a landing zone. And then inevitable happens. Shark like riggings appears out of the clouds and snaps the strings of his parachute. The fallen hotshot pilot begins to descend rapidly. He tries to open his reserve chute. But to no avail. The shark like riggings open their mouths as if waiting for Capt. Fernandez to drop straight into them.

Suddenly the icy waters begin to glow and rumble violently. The ship girls from both sides feel the violent shaking of the water. Causing all of them to nearly lose balance. And then an aircraft carrier appears out of the water. It was looking like heading straight for the sky as it darts out of the water. The ship girls of the four major camps are shocked to see the aircraft carrier bearing the name Enterprise and hull number CV-6. Just like what happened over eighty years ago. The ship lands on its hull violently. It makes a huge splash forming waves the size of a mountain. And then a silver haired woman wearing a flight suit stands in between the catapults. A squadron of F6F Hellcats takes off from the flight deck passing the mysterious person. Her eyes are glowing yellow. With one single sigh. She mentions these words one last time in front of the ship girls.

????: Enterprise! Engage!

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