Chapter 2 - Fastfood Service Crew

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Five months later.

Inside a fastfood restaurant in New York City.

Enterprise: Thank you for your kind patronage. "Another satisfied customer walks out the door."

????: Damn girl! Ever since you applied here. Our sales have tripled than what we usually earn before you arrived.

Enterprise: That's because we make a great team Cathy.

Cathy: Yeah. I agree with you on that one.

????: Hey! Don't forget about me girls.

Enterprise: Sorry May. It's a good thing that you let me on board. Otherwise I would still be living on the streets.

May: Let's just say that I have an eye for extraordinary people. And I know that you're the key in making McDonnell's Burgers beat those popular fastfood joints.

Cathy: I agree. So Endie. You said that you were born in Newport, Virginia. What's it like over there?

Enterprise: Clear blue skies. Lots of ship building companies. Crystal clear waters. Low crime rate. Relatively peaceful.

May: Wow! I bet you can walk on the streets there at night without the fear of being mugged.

Enterprise: That's true. In fact once I have enough money. I plan to go back there and live in my family's house near the shipyard.

Cathy: I bet you are fascinated with ships. Considering the fact that you live near a shipyard.

May: I highly doubt that. I bet she likes boats more than the ships.

Enterprise: Actually I am not a big fan of ships or boats. Don't get me wrong. But once a ship or boat outlives its usefulness. It's either left to rot away. Or worst. It is turned into scrap metal. So I don't want to work on a ship. Only a few warships are lucky enough to be turned into museums.

May: Hmmm...... That reminds me of my history class. We were told about the scrapping of the most famous aircraft carrier.

Enterprise: Which one? I'm sure that all of them are famous.

Cathy: She's talking about the USS Enterprise CV-6. It's the most decorated warship ever built.

May: Sadly...... My grandfather who served on that ship said she wasn't turned into a museum.

Enterprise: Really? What happened to that ship?

May: He says that it was turned into scrap metal instead. Majority of which was use in the construction of the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. The USS Enterprise CVN-65.

Enterprise: I see...... Well that's why I'm not a big fan of ships and boats.

Cathy: What do you like then?

Enterprise: I like those men in black surrounding the president.

May: Don't tell me. You like to be a member of the secret service.

Enterprise: Why not? It might be both boring and dangerous. But at least I am protecting a person and not a ship.

Just as Cathy was about to say something to Endie. A couple walks in and gets greeted by the girls.

All three of them: Welcome to McDonnell's Burgers. Hope you enjoy our burgers.

As the couple finished giving their orders. Endie gets back to the grill and starts grilling the burgers while May works on the side dishes. At the same time another customer walks in and orders burgers and fries. Pretty soon they are at full house capacity again. Once there are no more customers coming in. All three of them clean up the place. Cathy and May are childhood friends who dream of having their own fastfood chain. Enterprise on the other hand decided to hide her true identity by living under an alias. She vowed to never participate in a war again.

She lives in a decent apartment just across the street where she works. This saves her time and money because she doesn't have to commute everyday. While her new found friends go home to another street. Enterprise crosses the street after the shop has been closed. She then realized that she was being followed. Realizing that she no longer has her bow and arrow. She pulls out a pen from her pocket and remove its cap. She then removes her hair band and places the pen in between her fingers and gets ready to shoot.

Enterprise: I know that you're following me. I won't hesitate to use my improvised weapon. So why don't you come out of hiding and show yourself.

????: (Comes out of hiding.) Woah! Don't shoot girl. I just want to talk to you that's all. So why don't you drop your weapon and let me introduce myself properly to you.

Enterprise: How do I know that you're not a criminal?

????: (Pulling out his ID.) Here take this. It's my identification card. That thing is legit. No ordinary citizen possesses that kind of ID card.

Enterprise: (Checks the ID card.) No way! You're with the Secret Service?!

????: Uh...... Would you kinda lower your voice. I'm not on a day off you see.

Enterprise: Ok....... So you're with the secret service. What do you want from me?

????: First of all allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Willy Fernandez. I use to be with the navy. I have a rank of lieutenant commander.

Enterprise: Ok...... Now why are you following me. And what do you exactly want from me?

Willy: I overheard your conversation with your friends earlier about you joining the secret service. So I am going to ask......

Enterprise: If I want to join the secret service.

Willy: Yes that's basically it. We're kinda running low on manpower. Some of us decided to go back to their original jobs. Especially the ones coming from the navy like me.

Enterprise: I would like to ask why but I know that the typical response would be: "It's classified."

Willy: You're correct about that. So what will be? Do you want to join us? Or just stay here working in a fastfood restaurant.

Enterprise: I'll think about it. (Returns the card to Willy.)

Willy: Alright, I'll wait for your decision next week. That way you can have a lot of time to think about it. Goodbye miss......

Enterprise: It's Endie. Endie Therese Price.

Willy: Well then I guess I will be going now. See you again Miss Endie. (Leaves and goes to his car.)

Enterprise: "He is dead serious in recruiting me. I can tell that he is not the type who would look into my background. I guess I have nothing to lose anyway. After all...... Nobody knows who I really am."

As Enterprise goes to her apartment. She gets excited about the thought of working in a different environment. Instead fighting aliens. All she has to do is just become part of a team whose main job is to protect the president of the United States. She has a week to decide on whether or not she join the secret service. But deep in her heart she wants to forget about being a ship girl. As well as the memories of seeing her sisters being severely damaged by Japanese aircraft when they were still ships.

Enterprise's New LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz