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Storm, Hunter, and I went over to that building where Icarus is being held, which is the same damn place we've been going to. Guess it makes it easier on us, but he could be anywhere in this huge place and there are only three of us. I guess it's probably better than just two or one. It's still going to take forever though even with it being three of us. What if we get spotted or get attacked? Anyway, after we get into the place, Storm just speed walks through all these hallways not being sneaky at all, and Hunter and I are just following her.

"So, we're going to storm through the place and cause some chaos here. No pun intended," I say.

"Exactly. They're expecting us. Wouldn't be surprised if they show up here shortly," Storm says as we walk down this one big hallway, which I'm guessing is the main hallway. Storm suddenly stops and we stop behind her as she points up. "There."

I look up, and I find Icarus dangling by his arms on a wall. He is so high up that I don't see a way of getting him down. How are we going to get him down? More importantly, how did they even get him up there?

"What the hell?" I say as I was still looking up.

"He's up there," Hunter says.

"And I don't see a way of getting him down. Why are they keeping him that high up?" I ask.

"Ever heard of the story of Icarus, and how his father made him a pair of wings out of feathers and wax? He flew too close to the sun and it melted the wax then he plummets into the sea and drowns," Storm explains.

"Okay... What exactly does that have to do with Icarus being so high up there?" I say in confusion.

"Look above us. The sun is right above us," Storm says as she points above us. I look up, and there was some sort of glass model of the sun, which I find pretty odd.

"Oh... That makes sense," I say.

"And considering we're standing above water," Hunter adds.

"What is this? A recreation of the Icarus story?" I ask.

"Who the hell knows at this point," Storm answers.

"How are we going to get him down though?" I ask.

"I'm figuring something out," Storm says as she looks around.

"It's quiet... Way too quiet," Hunter says.

"Empty too," I add.

"That's not good," Storm mumbles, then suddenly the clones and Flood show up.

"Of course, you three would come here and ruin everything," Flood says in a sarcastic tone as she places her hands on her hips.

"We're getting our friend back whether you like it or not!" I say.

"I like to see you try," Flood says with a smirk, then she looks over to one of the clones. "Take care of them."

Flood disappears as the clones start inching their way towards us.

"You two handle the clones, I'll go handle the brat," Storm says, then she disappears.

"Yeah, sure. Two against four. Great odds," I say sarcastically.

"You handle two and I'll handle the other two. Not so much worse odds. You can handle Cam and Blake," Hunter says as he moves to the side, moving further from me.

"Wait, which ones Cam and Blake?" I ask before Hunter got too far from me.

"Those two," Hunter said as he points to the two guys who were coming closer to me.

Madter Arc 1: FloodWhere stories live. Discover now