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~A Few Days Later~ July 12, 2016~

"I'm surprised you don't have Icarus helping us," I say to Storm after we get into the building we needed to go into.

"You need training and experience. Icarus already has those two. This is also a data grab and I want to see what you can do considering you hacked into the Manor's database," Storm says as she surveys one of the hallways before we start going down it.

"Why is this place so empty?" I ask as we walk down the hallway and I was looking around. All the walls and floors were an ugly cream color and they're so plain and boring. They didn't even have pictures on the walls or any sort of decoration, which I find odd for it being an office building.

"Good question. It's probably a good thing," Storm answers.

"Wouldn't that technically be a bad thing?"

"No. It's probably best if no one is here, makes our job easier," Storm says, then we turn into another hallway, but Storm quickly stops and we went back around the corner. "Shit!"

"What?" I ask.

"I was so hoping they wouldn't be here," Storm mumbles angrily.


"Guys you definitely can't fight right now or they'll tear you to shreds," Storm says as she looks over at me.

"Ah great. Better not mess with whoever, then," I say sarcastically.

"At least the room we need to get into is in that hallway and it looks like they were leaving anyway."

"We should probably hurry before they turn back."

"Come on," Storm says as she grabs my arm and we turn the corner.

I see five guys standing down the hallway with their backs turned towards us. However, they didn't seem like they were leaving. Oh, I hope they're not going to turn around. Storm takes me to this door that was luckily far away from those guys. I hope they don't find us or we'll be screwed, more like, I'll be screwed and Storm has to put up with them. I sure didn't like what Storm said about them.

"Can you picklock it?" Storm whispers.

"Yeah," I whisper back.

I grab my pick out of my pocket and kneel in front of the door. I start picking the lock, but it was giving me a hard time. I know I can pick locks! I've done it so many times before! It doesn't help that my hands are starting to shake. I can feel the anxiety creeping up on me as I would glance down the hallway to see the guys still there. 

"Dammit. This door doesn't want to open," I whisper.

"It must be a stiff lock, then. Let me try," Storm says, and I move slightly. She kneels and tries to unlock the door, but it looks like she wasn't having much luck either. "What the fuck?"

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" I hear a guy yell, and it didn't sound too far from us. Storm and I quickly get up and she has me behind her. I get a better look and my eyes widen. It looks like the same guys I've met before I got the serum!

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