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~The Next Day~

Well, it's back to the training room for me. I guess Merc found some other guys to do the job Storm and I were supposed to do, which was a relief. I overheard that they don't know what kind of threat it is so they don't want us to get involved just yet, but that's fine by me. It gives me plenty of time to get my butt kicked in training...

I still can't believe Storm wants to train me with spears. Honestly, I shouldn't even be touching a weapon right now since I barely know how to defend myself. Does she honestly think training me with a weapon will help? I'm not coordinated at all! Screw some Hell killing me, I might end up killing myself on accident! I'm surprised I haven't gotten myself killed in Glass due to my terrible coordination.

After I get into the training room and change clothes, I went out on the mat and wait for Storm. I don't know what to do so I start doing some stretches to prep. I still hurt from yesterday and have a lot of bruises from this week. I'm also not very flexible so it's rather hard touching my toes and doing some other stretches. I was hoping the parkour would make me super flexible, but I guess not... I should do more stretches.

"Ready to train?" Storm asks as she comes onto the mat. Gosh, she comes out of nowhere.

"I guess," I say with a sigh as I stand up straight.

"All right, swing at me," Storm says, and I give her a puzzled look.

"Swing at you?"

"Yeah. You know I can take a hit. Come on. Show me what you know so far."

"This is not going to go well," I mumble.

"With that attitude, it won't. Try to stay positive, all right?"

"Here goes, then."

I quickly go over to Storm and I throw a punch at her. She blocks me with her arm and I try again, but quicker. However, she grabs my wrist and pulls me closer. She was very close to my face, and I look into her white eyes. I don't even see my reflection in her eyes, which I find strange. Then again, Storm does have unique eyes. It is something I have never seen before, but I feel like everyone feels that way about Storm.

"You're still too predictable," Storm says, then she lets go of me. I quickly take a step back since she's the unpredictable one. I swing my arm at her and she ducks down, but she pushes me away. "You're leaving yourself wide open."

I quickly went back over to Storm and throw some punches again, but she keeps blocking me. She ends up grabbing my arm, but I decided to throw a kick at her. She grabs my leg before I connected though. I knew she was going to block me since she's the best Fighter there is, so why bother trying? Though, she wants me to give my all.

She gives me a small grin like she was impressed. "Not bad, just need to work on your punches," Storm says as she lets go of me.

"I need to work on everything," I say as I step back a little.

"Seems like you've improved a little bit," Storm says, and I quickly give her a look.


"Yeah, you have. Just have to keep working on it and you'll be training with spears in no time."

"Why spears?"

"I can see you like a spear guy, and I also want to train you with water," Storm says with a small grin.

"You can do that?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can train with different elements, but I need more water guys. I have too many fire ones. And, if you train with water, you can become a healer."

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