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~The Next Day~

I wake up from the alarm, and I so do not want to get up right now. I rub my face with my hands trying to wake up as I slowly sit up. I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. Then I sit on the edge of my bed likely being the only one in here until I notice Nomad coming down the ladder of his bunk. I guess I'm not the only one who's having trouble getting up.

"Morning, Hunter," Nomad says after he jumps down.

"Morning," I say in a sleepy tone.

"Having trouble getting up?" he asks with a small chuckle.

"Yeah. I don't really like getting up from an alarm," I say as I stand up.

"Same, but I just have to get used to it," Nomad says as he starts making his way towards the door.

I follow him, and we leave the room together, then we went down to the kitchen to join the others for breakfast. We grab breakfast and sit at the table with the others. I find it strange how we're almost in sync with each other, but I guess this is how it's going to be from now on.

"What are we going to do today, Storm?" Nomad asks her.

"Well, you two are heading to training, and I don't know what the rest of us are going to do. Probably going to be on standby," Storm answers, and I couldn't help but doze off. I doze off for a bit until I hear a loud noise and I shot up. "Time to wake up sleeping beauty."

"Sorry. Guess I'm not fully awake yet," I say as I rub my face with my hands again.

"Get some of Merc's coffee. That should wake your ass up," Storm says as she points to the coffee maker.

"Let's just hope he doesn't catch me," I say as I stand up.

"Let me take care of it. I'm used to being yelled at by him," Storm says as she stands up, and goes over to the coffee maker after I sit back down.

"Where's Merc anyway?" Nomad asks.

"Likely downstairs working away as usual," Storm answers as she goes over to the fridge and pulls out a thing of coffee creamer.

"Does he ever sleep?" Icarus asks.

"Eventually," Storm answers as she finishes up making a cup of coffee, and she comes over to me and places the cup in front of me.

"Thanks, Storm," I say.

"I know how hard it is for Butas to get up, especially from an alarm," Storm says as she sits back down at her spot.

"Guess that's another downside..." I say in a low tone after I take a small sip of the coffee. I know this will pick me right up since Merc's coffee has a lot of caffeine in it and it lasts most of the day.

"I'm sure after drinking that coffee you'll be wide awake," Storm says with a small grin.

After I had breakfast and finish drinking the coffee, I went back to the bedroom to get dressed. I grab some of my regular clothes and I take off my sleep shirt. I put on a plain crimson shirt, then a pair of pants.

"You got a long scar on your back there," I hear Nomad say behind me, and I turn around to find him close to me. How long was he standing there? He's so quiet.

"Must've been a scar my clone got. I've noticed that I got some of his scars," I say, then I look at my arm since there was one on my forearm.

"Oh... Wonder how he got all those," Nomad says as he gently places his finger on the scar of my arm and traces it. His touch makes my heart beat faster as I start to crave him.

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