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We drive into the city, and Hunter wasn't kidding about it being safer back here in the backseat. Storm kind of drives like a maniac with her speeding, and trying to get to this place as quick as possible. It's been making me nervous, and Icarus yelled at her a few times already as we were getting to town. She didn't drive like this when we went to the store that one time!

I don't know how long it's been, but we sure got to the place quickly. It was probably because I wasn't paying attention and trying to keep myself from panicking from Storm's driving. However, Storm puts the car in park and we sit there for a moment in silence.

"How are we going to do this?" Hunter asks, breaking the silence.

"Just go in, act normal, and let me handle the talking," Storm answers.

"Is there someone specific that we need to talk to?" Hunter asks.

"The bartender. The reports say he knows a lot," Storm says as she loads up her gun.

"Then, why do you need us?" I ask.

"Because you don't know what could happen with these kinds of jobs. It can go south real quick," Storm answers. "Y'all ready?"

"Yup," Hunter answers.

"Let's go," Storm says, then we all get out of the car.

We walk around the building, trying to find the entrance. Storm and Icarus were in the lead as Hunter and I hang back a little.

"Do they have any clubs in Glass?" Hunter randomly asks.

"Yeah, they have clubs in what we call the Anchor District where it has all the clubs and shopping places. I used to sneak into this one all the time with my best friend," I answer.

"Oh, so you know what a club looks like then, huh?" Hunter teases as he chuckles.

"Don't tease me," I say with a laugh.

"Have to tease you for something," Hunter says.

"Sure," I say sarcastically as I playfully roll my eyes, then we laugh a little.

"Am I going to have to separate you two?" Storm says as she turns around. I can tell she was holding back a grin.

"No," I say once we catch up.

"Come on you two, get focused," Storm says as she turns around and carries on.

"Oops," I say, then we quickly follow them.

We find the entrance, but this big guy was blocking it, and I'm sure we're not going to be allowed in. Once we got closer, the guy guarding the door was holding his hand out indicating for us to stop.

"Private party and I'm sure you weren't invited," the guy says in a rather deep, scary voice.

Storm and Hunter glance at each other as if they were plotting something. Then Storm kicks the guy right where it would hurt, and Hunter punches him hard in the face making the guy go down. The guy was knocked out, and we quickly enter the club, which already has music blaring through speakers and it was fairly dark with different lights flashing.

We follow Storm through the crowd of people until we get to the bar. Storm sits on one of the stools as the rest of us gathered around her. Hunter was leaning on the counter next to Storm as Icarus and I was somewhat hanging in the back.

"Can I help you?" the bartender asks in an annoyed tone. Must be one of those who hate their job.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," Storm says as she pulls out a handgun from her bra and places it on the counter making the guy cringe.

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