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~The Next Night~ Nomad~

"You see it?" Merc asks through the comms unit after I get to this one rooftop that's near the building that I need to get into it. I finally got one, which is pretty cool!

"Yeah, I see the open window," I say as I look up, and found the open window to one of the upper levels. Someone else from the Unit must have opened it for me so I can easily slip in there.

"Once you get inside, you'll have to turn off comms so you won't get tracked by anyone else. Just get the files and get out of there."

"Got it. I'll turn comms off now," I say, then I turn off my comms unit as I look back up at the building. "Let's put these warping tricks to use."

I create a spear and threw it at the building. It hit right where I want it, which was under the window and I warp to it. I quickly grab a hold of the spear, then I lift myself and slip into the open window. I quietly jump down and find myself in an office. This is definitely where I need to be.

I went over to the desk and turn the computer monitor around so that the outside lights don't cause a glare even though it makes me have my back towards the door. I quickly hack into it, which didn't take too much effort, and I plug in the flash drive into the tower. It already has a program inside that should take all the files from the computer from what Merc said. Why didn't I think about that before while I was in Glass?

As the flash drive was doing its thing, I feel hands gently grab my shoulders. I quickly spin around as I create a spear. I held my spear close to them and saw that it was Hunter! He quickly raises his arms in surrender, but there's no way I'm moving my spear.

"You. What do you want? Going to stop me?" I ask him in a stern voice.

"No, I'm not going to stop you and I'm not going to hurt you. You can put your weapon away," Hunter says, and I am rather confused about him, especially after everything Storm told me about him.

"Not a chance. I would have to stop you before you try to tell your friends I'm here," I say.

"I'm not going to tell them you're here. I want to help," Hunter says as he grabs the pointy end of my spear and moves it away from him, and I'm very puzzled.

I make the spear disappear as I stand up straight. "Know anything about hacking?" I ask him.

"Not a damn thing," he answers as he shrugs his shoulders a little.

"That's what I thought. Go stand guard or something if you want to help even though I don't know why people would be here at fucking midnight," I say as I turn back over to the monitor.

"You be surprised," Hunter says, and I notice he was looking over my shoulder. He's way too close for my comfort. "So, what is it that you're doing?"

"You honestly think I'm going to tell you. You're a bad guy, I'm not going to tell you anything. Now go stand over by the door," I say, hoping he would leave me alone.

"Then again, I already know what you're doing since I was the one that sent the report," he says, and I quickly turn around to look at him.

"You were the one?" I ask to clarify what he said, and he nods. "Honestly, I should've known it was you. Why did you do it?"

"Because I..." he starts to say but stops briefly. "I wanted to be alone with you and I knew I wouldn't get a chance with Storm in the way."

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