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I meet up with Storm by the medical room after I got dressed, and we walk in without saying anything to each other. I follow her to the end of the room and she takes me to one of the rooms in the back. We enter some sort of lab room that has a whole bunch of guys in here. Storm gently grabs my arm since I was too busy looking around and she takes me over to a couple of guys.

"I need to interrupt you guys for a moment," Storm says to the guys and they both turn around. One of the guys I recognize from yesterday when Icarus and I were training. He was the one that was talking to Storm when we got there.

"What's up, Storm?" one of the guys asks her.

"I need to talk to Adam about some training stuff," Storm answers.

"Oh, okay. I'll get out of the way," the guy says and leaves.

"Adam, this is Nomad, you're going to be training him a lot sooner than I thought," Storm says to the curly, black hair guy. He looks like a different ethnicity than some of the others I've seen here. Then again, there are so many different people here.

"Nice to meet you," Adam says as he holds out his hand. He seems quite friendly, especially in his tone.

"Nice to meet you, too," I say as we shake hands.

"Nomad found something that can allow him to make his own spears as you can. He's going to need some training on how to control that," Storm says to Adam.

"We might have to wait a week... I'm booked until next week," Adam says to Storm.

"Shit... Everyone in here is?" Storm asks.

"Yup. The doctor needed us to work on a few projects. Training might have to wait a little bit," Adam answers.

"Okay, well, I can try to train him a little bit, but I might just have Merc give us more jobs so he can have more experience," Storm says as she looks over at me.

"The more experience the better," Adam says.

"True. Well, I should let you get busy. I'll talk to you later, Adam," Storm says.

"See you later, Storm," Adam says to her, and with that being said, Storm and I leave the medical room. I wish I could've talked to Adam more so I can get to know him, but they did seem rather busy.

"So I'll be training with that guy?" I ask Storm as we enter the living room.

"Yup. Starting next week you'll be training with Adam for a while or until I think you're ready. Adam is really good, likely one of the best, so I know you'll be getting the best training," Storm says as we sit on the couch.

"You're not going to be training me anymore?" I ask. Honestly, I'm kind of upset that Storm won't be training me anymore, but it's probably best if I have a different person train me since I hold similar powers to someone else in the Unit.

"I might pop in a few times just to see how things are going and might give some advice, but I can't do training sessions for long. I'm more needed out in the field rather than in a training room. Don't worry, you'll like Adam, everyone loves him. I wouldn't be all that surprised if you end up considering him your best friend," Storm explains.

"But for now we'll be doing fieldwork," I say as I slouch down with a pout.

"Hey, at least you're a lot more prepared than you were before. You have that necklace now," Storm says as she gently grabs my arm and gives it a gentle squeeze. At least that gives me some comfort.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to use it," I say as I look over at her.

"Sometimes you'll just have to figure it out. Seemed like you did when you showed us."

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