Chapter Twenty-Five: For The Sake Of Normalcy.

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Maria fidgets with her finger in pure anticipation. She doesn't know what she had decided to do would change anything or not – or if it will only make things difficult for Silas and Marcus, but she couldn't just sit in the corner and watch things get worse. From what she has learned from her life is that people often trivialize the power of dialogues. She and Silas made the same mistake before and it ruined her life, she doesn't want that to repeat – especially when they have a child involved in their mess.

Maria decided to take matters into her own hands. She knows that it might upset Silas when he will learn what she did. She heaved a sigh. No, he will be upset when he finds out what Maria has done behind his back, but Maria needs to do something before many lives get ruined. As much as she knows how much her husband hates Sean, she wouldn't want to ruin his life as well. She doesn't know why she has a soft spot for him, maybe because she once knew him, maybe because she knows that Sean's son will be dragged into this mess, or maybe because she is tired of seeing people hurt for her. She doesn't care what the real reason is, but all that matters to her is to make things right – at least try to make them right.

"Maria?" She heard her name being called from behind. She quickly turned her head around to see the familiar eyes winsomely looking at her. Her mouth has gone dry from consternation. She kept on telling herself that this was not a bad idea. That calling Sean to meet her in a small café – far from her house was not a dangerous plan to solve the issue.

There is a reason why Maria decided to invite him to a busy café – she is not taking any chances. She left Ezra with Charlie before she came here. No one knows where she is. She didn't tell Silas. She lied to Charlie as well. It is only she and Sean who know where they are. But Maria has kept a backup plan in case things don't go her way. She just needs to press a key on her phone and an emergency message will be sent to Silas, Marcus, and Charlie along with her location. She just hopes, she doesn't get to use it.

Maria let out a shaky breath – some sweet and sour memories rushed back to her – back when Sean was just Sean, he wasn't a pawn placed by Ruby to play with her. Looking into his eyes – witnessing the familiar smile – she almost misses him. She misses the old regular Sean that she knew – even if that man was a fake – she still misses him. Those fond memories of him were the reason why Maria decided to take this step – if Sean was anything like the man she knew him as – he would never hurt her.

"Sean," Maria replied softly. She doesn't know what else to do. Should she go for a handshake? She is definitely not going to hug him – he is not her friend. Should she ask him to have a seat? Thankfully for her, she didn't have to do anything or say anything to him as Sean softly smiled at her and walked in front of her before taking a seat right across the small round table.

Sean avert his eyes from Maria and looked around to see the café teeming with people having lunch. He is not a dull man, he made sure that he was not being set up by her before he stepped into the café. Only when he saw that there is no security with Maria – like she promised on the phone, did he walk in. Sean couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. Maria is a smart girl, she chose a café away from where she lives so that no one from her circle sees her there, but she also chose the busiest of the café to be on the safe side. He likes the way she thought this through.

It also hurt Sean slightly to know that she doesn't feel safe around him, but he doesn't blame him for it. If he is being honest with himself, sometimes he doesn't feel safe with himself. He sighed and looked at her – Maria already had her eyes on him. He could tell that she was nervous, but she was playing it cool. "You are smart," He commented. "You chose a busy place to talk. I would have done the same if I were you," He shrugged with a smile, but received no reaction from her – even then she didn't look away from him.

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