Chapter Twenty-Two: A Deadly Threat

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"How did it go?" Leo asked his father on the phone while he stood outside the hospital, still dressed in his scrub. He was still on duty, but since he was on a break – he decided to ring his father to ask about Owen's first chemotherapy session.

Franklin sighed, "It went well. He is resting now." He paused. Leo heard shuffling and muffled sounds from the other side before Frank spoke again, "He is being very stubborn about it. I have been asking him to call someone, at least Marcus, and tell him, but he denied and said he will do it in his own time." He added lowly.

Time – that's a very risky factor for Owen at this time. His reports that Leo had gone through were not very satisfactory. These are not the times to keep such a big secret from his family. As a doctor, he advised Owen to tell his family. He needs them right now – more than they need him.

Leo knows about Owen's cancer. He wasn't supposed to know, but he accidentally read the reports that were in Franklin's room when he was in New York. Leo went to see his father, but he wasn't around, so he decided to wait for him in his room and that's when a medical report caught his eye. Leo's blood drained, thinking it belonged to his father and he was hiding it from Leo, but then he saw it belonged to Owen.

There were a bunch of tests he had done and being a doctor Leo immediately knew what were those tests for. The tests included MRI, CT Scan, PET scan, and among others had a week-old biopsy report. He had the results right in front of him, but he didn't dare to open it and read it. So, he waited for his father and when he came back – Leo asked his father.

Franklin came clean to his son and told him about Owen's colon cancer. He asked his son to read his reports that Frank and Owen are supposed to take to an oncologist, but Leo refused to do it before Owen's permission. That's when Franklin took Leo to Owen and Leo read his reports, they were not optimistic. The PET Scan was worrisome. Leo thought that Owen would tell his kids immediately, but he didn't and now Leo feels burdened to know the truth while Elizabeth is still unaware of her father's health.

Leo has been keeping too many secrets from her. She will not forgive him when she will know that Leo already knows about the threats her brother is facing and also about her father's bad health. Even though Leo doesn't want to keep these secrets away from her – he is compelled to keep his mouth shut. These are not his secrets to reveal.

"Dad, when Elizabeth will know that I already knew about Owen's health issues – she will not forgive me for keeping it from her." Leo was stressing out. "I am already keeping enough secrets from her." He mumbled lowly while he rubbed his temples.

"What do you mean by that?" Franklin asked.

Leo heaved a sigh, "I know about Silas and Sean. I know Sean tried to break into Silas's house." He told his father. It has been a week since Leo last talked to Silas about it. His sister and Silas were in Hawaii at the moment and Leo didn't want to bother them. "And Silas didn't want Elizabeth to know, so I am keeping it away from her as well. You have no idea how upset she will get when she will learn that I knew about her family affairs before her." He told his father, "To be honest, Dad, it isn't fair to her either. She deserves to know." Leo pressed.

Franklin was silent for a few seconds. He blew his cheeks out and nodded his head, "I agree," He replied. He will try to talk to Owen again in a day or two – right now Owen needs some rest.

Charlie was watching Silas's house's CCTV recording from yesterday on Marcus's laptop along with him. Although there was no disturbance report – Marcus still keep an eye on the security. He doesn't trust anyone else. Maria and Silas are coming back tomorrow and Marcus wants to make sure that everything is fine around Silas's house. Marcus also know that his house wasn't completely safe either – therefore, he had increased the security about his house as well. "Everything seems fine," Charlie mumbled.

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