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Ji Yanxu finally does something right, except Gao Yu has a whole lotta feelings apart from innocent love

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Ji Yanxu finally does something right, except Gao Yu has a whole lotta feelings apart from innocent love

Finally, I get to write the chapter I’ve been waiting for since I planned this story out, and Yanxu will propose to Gao Yu in a much better proposal than the drama. Put a pair of rings with a made up romance story, a sexy comic author in the beautiful silky Check in shirt, a brave psychologist and two very excited wingmen together, and you get one very grand proposal! I really love HanBing too much to juggle two CP’s, so Hu Xiao Long and Ji Long will get a seperate chonk chapter to honour their equally important relationship.

Also, why can Gao Yu do everything and make it perfect? The answer lies with the parents who are not dead yet not yet appearing. Ma and Pa Gao are waiting to come out of the shadows, and bring pretty Hu Xiao Long with them.

Kido’s third fansign was a highly anticipated event, since the photos of the handsome artist making out with a man who looked like he was the inspiration for Zhan Yao, and the highly intuitive fans could spot a blossoming romance from a mile away, especially when the two people had that look in their eyes. Ticket prices went up by up to three times as much, and the venue had to move to a bigger one after the attendance numbers were officially confirmed, which made Yangfan actually call Gao Yu into the office. The numbers and profits were indeed more than anyone in  Hit5 comics, and the director had demanded that the whole office have a meeting about how they were going to maximise profits in the period of grace they were experiencing, then he had a fanmeet in an expensive hotel ballroom. A meeting about profits was so boring, and so not what the cartoonist joined for, but a necessity for the company, therefore he did have to attend. Before he left the apartment in the morning in the range rover that everyone thought he owned somehow, which was laughable, he had hauled his arm sloth into the kitchen and nicely forced sweet protein congee down his silly professor in case Yanxu forgot to eat, and left a bowl of cat friendly chicken rice dor Qi Bao.

If the idiot was going to turn up to the fansign later as they planned, dear Xu-Er needed to be woken up in enough time to look ready for nearly a hundred fans in the hotel. He himself had found a new silken shirt, one expensive enough that Gao Yu could tell from the fabric that he had not bought it anywhere, probably silk or a luxury blend, in a light shade of periwinkle blue. The size was much larger than he normally purchased too, but the cut did have a certain charm, and it was one of the latest fashions which he was too cheap to get on board with. Looking back on the magically appearing shirt, the event had rich young master Yanxu written all over it, especially when the mysterious lack of tags or labels gave nothing away about price, size or origin. However, years of stinginess had taught the comic artist to take advantage of anyone buying dinner, clothes or groceries, and he folded the silky shirt up to change into after the meeting. It was nice being the pampered trophy house husband of a rich fool, and he still might get a very comfortable marriage if the professor could get his feelings straight, or should he say gay.

Part of Ji Yanxu's plan was to literally act as dysfunctional as humanly possible, so that the last thing Gao Yu would expect was a very organised proposal at his fansign, also, it was nice being taken care of all morning, so he was not complaining about someone making life easier. Now all the psychologist had to do was get himself fully presentable, give the hotel that he partly owned a call to to make sure the right decorations were in place,remember the rings, and collect his wingmen from the family mansion. The compulsory need to move buildings for the meet was real, but there may have been some Ji shaped fingerprints on why the originally inexpensive fansign was held in a high end hotel ballroom, and had instructions to decorate for an engagement from one of the managers, when the old instructions were to lay out a table, photo set and a standard 100 chairs in rows. None of that would ever be revealed though, unless the greedy old Mr Lao wanted to lose half of his investment money. Ji Yanxu had spent so many years being klutzy and barely organised, acting in front of Gao Yu was effortless and required no input, just the inviting warmth of a bicep and having everything done for him.

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