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First, the gay panic song that plays like every time our thirsty gay sees his professor chamring-
The song also perfectly describes my relationship with Gao Hanyu, who we will have plenty of embedded pictures in the coming chapters.
Also, within artistic liberties, I skipped the whole ”remember my name”  part because that would be hard to convey in words without being tedious, so we’ve skipped straight to the good part and the HanBing kisses.

At five, because being late would definitely ruin the potential courting period, the handsome cartoonist got up, went for a quick run so he looked buff, did more workout and took the longest shower ever known to man. Gao Yu always put maximum effort into his appearance, even if all his face was destined for was the commute to work, work and the commute home, because everyone loved him for looking like a Maxim model. After meeting Ji Yanxin, he was suddenly aware how slobby his clothes were, and used some of his savings money to go buy some more nice shirts and pants that would more suit the look of a responsible PA at Jimin university, because anything is worth the approving little grunts he received if he wore something just right. The last outfit was perfect, but no one could realistically dress in the same combination of clothes all the time, so he bought some simple jackets and stocked up on plain tees for good measure. 

The professor was already making him change, considering that he had not made the time to buy any new clothes in the last three years. Stuff like that made his fake rosey tinted glasses even more rosey, like he was already becoming a model husband. This was definitely getting put into SCI when he got home, as if there was not a chapter of how Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong met that may have featured the entirely fictional Zhan family’s fictional great dane Qi Bo. Not that he was literally injecting his own experience into the chapter, but the wide eyed expression on Bai Yutong's face, and Zhan Yao's red cheeks were very accurate this time, compared to the anime cliche reaction every other character had to their first encounter. How could he be inaccurate in SCI, because he now had no excuse to not make the main characters life-like since becoming the glorified life assistant of dream Yao, and seeing him each day? Yangfan would be proud when he handed in the first chapter and it was full of actual romance, he might even give Gao Yu a bonus to let him buy some nicer clothes and bathing products, or money to take Yanxu on a date. Whatever was more important would be prioritized anyway.

Ji Yanxu lived in a beautiful house by the sea, which was a few minutes from the nearest bus stop and clearly custom built by a skilled company, and had every amenity known to man inside. He was living in a modern fairytale with all the latest technology, and had yet to wake Prince charming from his rest. Gao Yu was anticipating all kinds of tempting scenes, including but not limited to the following; Yanxu being in boxers, no top, a too big tee slipping off his shoulder, and the jackpot that was sleeping in the nude. As a person who favoured being natural yet decent, the cartoonist was a sleeping in boxers or workout shorts man, and since no one ever saw him when he woke up, it never mattered. Besides his various fantasies, there was a job to get done, or put plainly, a professor to wake at 7:30, wash up, dress, feed and drive to the university, and a whole lot of wooing before he collapsed in a puddle of romantic goop. “Ji laoshi, I made breakfast and laid out a set of clothes in the bathroom for you. You have classes at 11am with the seniors, then a freshman lecture at 1pm, and a consultation with the homicide chief at 2pm.", he announced, as butler-like as he could without laughing.

A decidedly ruffled, barely recognisable human opened the door. That was the Jimin university heartthrob? Yanxu had his fringe over his eyes, eye bags bigger than a grandma's shopping cart, and a ratty old long t-shirt on, and looked really quite dead. "Coffee first, make it a double espresso with a splash of milk and no sugar. Bread so it will not land me in hospital for a stomach ulcer.", he whispered hoarsely, as he shuffled to the bathroom like a zombie in his t-shirt, probably boxers, and slippers. Gao Yu was horrified, but not deterred, he could make the professor look like a respectable human being! Although, the bigger question was how was the man still alive after living on not enough sleep, too much coffee and some bread for energy? 

Be with you but gay and HanbingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora