Chapter 18: Out of Control

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When Merrie realize she's distracted, Liam would counterattack it with a more interesting topic. And the circle continue before a knock disturb their conversation.

Merrie walk to the door and pulled open the doorknob, it's Lisya. Merrie smile until she remember that Liam is inside.

"Pardon for my disturbance, M'lady. It would just be quick." Lisya gaze didn't meet Merrie's. "Just out here."

Merrie hear a footsteps coming towards her, she immediately know it's Liam. Merrie didn't have the chance to react as Lisya continue, "I decided to leave this country."

The step stop, "What?" Liam voice was low but anguish.

This time Merrie was quick, "Wait!" She yelled, "Can we just discussed this issue?"

"I don't think that's gonna work. The last time we try to discuss things we make a messed out of the guest room." Liam said with an annoyed tone.

Merrie eyelids twitched rapidly. She went to search for one of twin this afternoon and she stumble upon a room with vines creep out at every small holes and tangled the room's furniture as water from the melted ice wet the floor that cover at every corner of the surface.

Suddenly she didn't want them to be here at all, imagine what they could do to her room... Merrie immediately shake that thought. "No, try to talk things out! Do both want things to stay this way?"

Nobody respond. Merrie continue, "Lisya! Do you really want to leave us, especially Liam? Why do you suddenly want to leave?"

"Because now you're awake M'lady I can be certain that you're in good health, this is the time for me to level up the investigation." Lisya said with a stiff smile.

Merrie raise a brow, "How's that the reason? Beside, this time around is where I need you the most. Please tell me truth."

Lisya raise her head to meet Merrie face, she later realize it was a mistake. Because seeing her helpless face make it almost impossible for her to speak any lies.

She softly sigh, "Because.... I think it's better that I disappear, it's better then staying here and make Liam hate me more." Lisya said the last sentence almost a whisper.

"And you thought doing this made me forgive you?!" Liam was beyond angry.

"No!" Lisya yelled helplessly. "I know you can never forgive me! That's why not seeing me everyday is better for you!"

"Why do you always decide what better for me or not! And NO! Abandoning me isn't and would never make me feel any better!"




"Stop before you destroy my room!!" Merrie scream from between the two.

The two turn to her with mixed emotions, "We won't fight." They said that but the expression on their face says that they are a second away to split the mountain apart.

"Just...calm yourself....the guards are considering to check on us if both of you didn't stop yelling at eachother." Merrie said again.

Now the two were confused and raise a brow, "How did you know?" Liam asked.

"It is the patrol time..." Lisya know the schedule of the guards because of her position, but how did Merrie who just awake know of it.

Merrie also just notice how weird it is but she discard thought, "That's not important now!" She continue, "Let me ask you both first!"

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