"C'mon, we goin' to get you something to eat." 

       OH! Is this Her way of courting me to get something to fill up my reservoir, if she is going to pay for my filling, then I'd be happy to indulge! I smiled my jawbones, sucking in, showcasing the indents I have inside of my cheekbones.

"How Personable, I would love to indulge in some cuisine currently! Much appreciation is directed towards you!"

She nodded her head and muttered at me as she opened the knob to the door.


       I have to admit, I am starting to feel much better than I have been feeling as of late! I stared at her as she sat me in the car and started to drive, her comforting has intrigued me and I had to admit, I think I am starting to garner an attraction towards the Whore.




        I was gon' take Onika to get something to eat. I had a key to her house now so I just came and when when I please, Thinking about her lately, I wanted to get to know her better. She was such a unique girl, and I wanted to see if we had some things in common, I know that Dad was about with carol, so I went over to her house. jus like I thought, she was there alone looking for some "cuisine."

    Her head was rubbing against my chest as I put her in my car and started to drive. I guess I'd take her to get some donuts or something, i'm not quite sure what she likes to eat. Donuts ain' really food but I guess she'll eat it. She looks adorable sitting in my car, her legs were swinging back and forth and her hair was tied up, her glasses falling off of her face slightly as she looked up at me with wide eyes. 

   Looking at her briefly form the road. I spoke out to her. 

"Baby why you lookin' at me?"

    She tilted her head slightly and shifted in her seat, a slight blush ghosting over her toffee colored cheeks as she looked away and out of the window. Awe. I caught her starin'. She turned back to me and rolled her little eyes. Her big head looks so funny wrapped up like that. Short bobble headed ass. She my bobble head though.

"I-I was not focusing my eyes on your face Beyonce Knowles! I was f-focusing my eyes in your general direction!"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. Smacking my lips I glanced at her.

"So you really think I would believe that?"

"Of course I would, Beyonce Knowles, no offense, but it seems as if you are a Tad-bit Underdeveloped!" She shrugged her shoulders and looked back out of the window.

"Did you forreal just call me dumb?"

"Like the ancient Cinderella proverb says: If the shoe fits!"

"Fuck you."

     She frowned, and her face turned into a worried look. Here we go. She gasped and backed up in her seat, dramatically sticking herself to the other side of the car.

"Oh! Heavens no! I do not want to do that! Please no! Release me form the shackles of your lustful gaze! I beg if you, I plead even!"

I sighed. This is gonna take a long while to get to know her better. We pulled up to the restaurant and I went into he drive through, she was looking all out of the window like some type of dog, I had to pull her back into the car so she wouldn't get hit by anything.

"Onika, what do you want?"

"Oh! I would like a cocoa coated carbohydrate circle!"

.....I'll just get her a Chocolate Donut. It's hard understand what the hell she means sometimes. I love the way she talks though, I wonder why. It's so odd but almost alluring, I'd have to ask Danielle or somebody about that. Its cute though, not complaining at all.

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