The show

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Soon April 1st arrived, and Dick was especially depressed.

It was the date of his parents' death and the day of Percy's show. Wally came over to comfort Dick and to stop a repeat from last year.

Last year, with Percy away and his mourning for his parents, the boy couldn't stop all the negative thoughts. Only Wally's sudden entrance and hurry stopped him.

This year, all made sure to not let Dick alone for more than a minute and especially not with dangerous things. As Percy and Jason, who didn't know what was going on at all walked up to Dicks room, they heard the boy cry silently and Wally talking to him.

The siblings couldn't help but fangirling internally. They calmed down a bit and knocked slightly. "Hey Dick, I planned something today to distract you." Percy told him.

"What?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "Well, you will see. Just wear something formal. Wally, please come too." The redhead nodded. "Perfect, We will meet you with Alfred at six in the main hall." Both nodded and Percy and Jason walked out after hugging Dick again.

At six, Wally, Dick, Bruce, Jason, and Alfred waited for Percy to come downstairs. As the girl came, she had a duffle bag over her shoulder and wore casual clothes, while everyone else wore suits, even the speedster. "Hey. Let's go, Alfie, you know where this will go. Dick, please, if you feel like you need to go, go."

All nodded and stepped in the car although they wonder what Percy had planned. Jason and Alfred already knew because she told them. Well she told Alfred.

"Percy, where are we going? Why aren't you dressed more formal like us?" Wally asked as hyper as ever. "You will see, and I have my other clothes in the bag and dress up when we are there." They all sat in comfortable silence during the rest of the ride.

Once the family and Wally stepped out, Bruce's, Dicks and Wally's faces turned in confusion. They didn't know what today was.

Jason on the other hand was told a while ago as he asked a teacher if she knew why Percy was late to pick him up. "Alfred, could you please lead them to the seats? I have to dress up and speak everything through." Percy asked. The older butler nodded and led the boys and Bruce away while Percy went another way. She approached her music teacher and got changed in her cabin.

Everyone was stressed and rehearsed their lines again while Percy read her text and notes. "Miss Wayne, you have to go on the stage in five minutes." Poseidon's daughter nodded and checked over herself once again.

She wore a sea-green Chinese dress, gloves, gold bracelets, heels, earrings, hair accessories and an elegant hairstyle.

After taking in a deep breath, the girl stepped in the light and view of the audience who clapped for her. She confidently walked towards the piano and began to play Broken Arrow. Four minutes later the song ended, and everyone applauded for her before she began to play another song, Destiny.

Her voice had a calming effect on the actors that were about to go on the stage and play. All of them felt at peace.

The audience was silent after hearing both songs from her beautiful voice. A few seconds passed before all exploded in applause. Percy stood up from her spot on the Piano and bowed before sitting back down to play some accompanying notes to the play.

The rest of the performance went over the stage smoothly and ended in applause, much like Percy's solo at the beginning. After the show, Percy didn't bother to change because her family now knows for what she had dressed up. The ravenette approached the five others and was greeted by a laughing and smiling Dick.

"Percy, you were amazing. When did you have the time to practice?" She shrugged. "At school. My music-teacher led me to another room every class to give me space to practice. Thanks for the compliment I hope you all enjoyed this evening." The girl got nods and affirmation responses before Alfred spoke up. "I would propose I drive you to a restaurant to eat your dinner tonight masters and Percy. I'm afraid I will not be able to make dinner fast enough." Alfred said. "Right, thank you Alfred." Bruce agreed before the six of them walked back to the car.

Wally, Dick, Jason, and Percy were joking, and laughing the whole drive. In the restaurant, everyone was in a comfortable silence and smiled. A delicious dinner later, the way to the manor was over quickly between chatter and Percy's singing together with the radio.

Iris and Barry had allowed Wally to spend the night in the manor to help Dick if he needs support. The three teens and Jason gathered in Dicks room where they watched some Disney-films like Alice in wonderland or Hercules, the latter much to Percy's distaste.

Jason and Percy sat on the floor in front of the sofa while the other two boys sat beside each other on it. At the scene where the hero tried to eat the lightning bold, Percy broke out laughing.

Dick stopped the movie. "Percy, are you okay?" He asked his sister concerned. "He- he t- tried to eat a lighting-bold. I definitely see the family similarity." She managed to say between laughing. "What?" Wally asked curious.

"Sorry, inside joke from camp, one of the boys is like a leader there and because our cabins are named after Greek gods, they say he is the son of Zeus or, in the other camp, Jupiter. His name is Jason and as he was little, he tried to eat a stapler." Percy explained further as she calmed down, but Wally and Dick looked as confused as before.

Jason had an idea what she meant since Percy briefly explained a few things to him. Yet she had to keep most things as a secret so he would be safe for now. "Never mind. Forget what I told you." They nodded and together they watched on with Percy breaking down in laughter a few hundred times during the movie or yelling how wrong the movie is or randomly throwing popcorn at the screen while boo-ing.

Sometimes during Lilo and Stich, Dick began to fall asleep. Wally laid him with his head in his lap and put a blanket over the younger boy while smiling.

He thought the two younger Wayne's would have been sleeping too, but as soon as Dick laid comfortably, the girl spoke up seriously. "If you ever hurt his feelings, I will personally make sure to torture you until you beg for death. After I eventually finish with you, Dad, Alfred, Jason, and Dick himself will get turns to torture you as well. Superspeed or not. Do you understand?"

Wally nodded fast and gulped while blushing deeply. He could hear the unspoken much worse treat in her voice, like she could even control what will happen after his death. But this was completely impossible, she couldn't have control over the dead...


The ginger shook this ridiculous though out of his head. "I won't hurt him." Percy smiled at him. "I know, but still..." Both went back to watching the movie quietly. Wally drifted to sleep near the end and left Percy to finish the movie.

As it ended, she turned to the boys to see, the change of position they made. Dick now laid on top of Wally with his face on the ginger's chest.

Once again, her inner Aphrodite had a hard time to kept hidden and not squeal. But she took a picture before pulling the blanket back over the two and leaving the room to her own.

She drifted to sleep with a happy smile on her face and her thoughts on her brother's obvious feelings for the ginger speedster.

Percy couldn't understand how the two of them didn't already confess their feelings to each other. Even a blind person could tell, they are totally head-over-heels for each other.

(AN: Yet she doesn't notice the feelings a certain someone had for her, even though she could practically tell who likes who after she meets them for the first time together.😮‍💨)

A few minutes with these thoughts passed before Poseidon's daughter was fully asleep.

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