Peers can be assholes and teachers won't give up.

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On Monday Percy woke up and had instantly a bad feeling for the day.

She got up and ready for school. Once she ate breakfast, Alfred drove them to the well-known building. Dick walked away from her to see Barbara, leaving the girl alone.

As she walked towards her first class, ancient languages, a hand grabbed her and pinned her on the lockers.

"What do we have her boys? A lucky bastard-orphan. Where is your dad? Oh right. He got lost before you were born. And where is your mommy? Sorry I forgot. She got herself murdered." One of the seniors said. "Where is my homework?"

The leader of the group growled. Percy stuttered in mostly fake fear. "H-here." And handed them the different sheets. "These aren't all."

One of them noticed. "He's right, where are the pages for the extra credits?" Another asked angered. "I-I hadn't enough time to do them." Percy told them, her voice only slightly above a whisper.

"You didn't have time? Well too bad, looks like we will have to teach you a lesson about time-management." The first one said as he signalled his friends. They rubbed their knuckles and began to punch Percy.

First in the stomach and after a while they hit her everywhere, on the arms, on the chest , the head, and her legs. About fifteen minutes passed until the bell rang, and the boys let Percy down.

They rushed towards their class and left Percy alone in the hallway on the ground. She picked herself up, and let the mist cover her injuries.

The girl got a few bruised ribs, her left arm was nearly broken, and she got bruises all over her body. But she couldn't skip school because of some minor injuries. It isn't like she didn't had worse.

Hell, if she would skip school, everyone would look at her strangely, she was Persephone Wayne she never skipped school if she wasn't excused.

So, she simply put on a smile and walked in pain towards her class.

Once there the teacher looked up as the door opened. "Miss Wayne, why did you come late to class?" The teacher asked.

"I'm sorry, I got lost in thoughts as I walked to class and used the wrong way. It won't happen again." She was dismissed and sat down in her chair. "Now, today we will speak about the darker side of the mythology. Can anyone tell me what you know about the underworld and how it is structured?"

Percy instantly rose her hand. "Miss Wayne."

"Once a person dies, they have to pay the ferryman Charon to bring them over the river Styx, this river divides the Underworld and the World of the living.
Once there, you have to pass Cerberus, a giant hellhound, and three judges will determine if you come to Elysium, if you lived a heroic and good life, the fields of Asphodel, if you didn't do anything really good or bad, or the fields of punishment, if your life was filled with bad deeds.
On the fields of Asphodel, you will walk around without knowing who you are.
On the fields of punishment, you will endure torture for all eternity.
And lastly in Elysium you would live a happy afterlife, if you lived three good lives, you could go to the isle of the blessed.
But the underworld has another part..."

Percy paused for a moment. "Tartarus." The teacher looked at her. "Would you mind telling us what you know about this place Miss?"

She looked hesitantly around the room as if she searched for an escape route. "I know not much.
But the landscape is the body of the god himself and if you reach the edge of it, you can fall down into the infinite emptiness of the void of Chaos, where immortal deities go if they fade from existence.
Tartarus is said to be hell itself and the air is poisonous, and to go on you have to drink from the river Phlegethon, river of fire and one of the five rivers of the underworld.
There is the Lethe, who make you forget, the Styx on who many made unbreakable vows, the Acheron, river of woe, and the Cocytus, river of lamentation."

The teacher approved of her answer and went on with his lesson while her classmates send her looks that were really disturbing but nothing Percy didn't know.

After the lesson, she had music, because Dick was right, it was another class where she could relax.

Two minutes after the lesson started, the teacher came rushed in. "sorry for my delay. Today we will play the Piano. Who knows how to play a piano?"

Most of the students raised their hands. Many of them learned this instrument because their parents wanted them to, and you could hear this.

Only a few who played let emotions slip in their plays. "Miss Wayne, would you please play as well?" "Of course, Mrs., can I choose, or do you say what I have to play?"

"You can choose freely." Percy nodded and after she thought for a moment began to play, ballade no. 1 in g moll op. 23. Like Kousei played in the last two episodes of 'Your lie in April.'

As she ended, everyone looked at her astonished, never did they witness so many emotions in one play. "Who taught you to play like this?"

The ravenette looked at the keys with a sad smile. "My mom taught me. After her death I taught myself or occasionally asked Alfred for help."

The teacher was stunned. "Miss Wayne, did you ever think about playing on competitions? You could become one of the most talented players."

Percy chuckled in amusement at her teachers fascination.

Deep down she already knew what the woman wanted exactly, but she knew deep down in her heart, piano was one of the few things she could connect to her mom.

That was the reason she would never go to competitions, no matter how much her family tried to pressure her.

"Sorry Miss, but I never thought about it. I don't think I will sign in on competitions."

The older woman looked like she had a plan in her mind, which made Percy nervous. "Very well, I would like to talk to you after the class is over."

Percy nodded and the teacher went on with her lesson. After classes, the princess made her way back to the music-room where her teacher already waited.

"Miss Wayne, I would like to ask you to play as the opening act for our theatre play in March. It would require you to play a song on the piano and sing. Would you do this?
The person we originally had broken their hand and it won't be healed until the show is."

Percy knew her teacher kept some information's from her but thought about the offer. "Okay. I will play as the opening act. When do I have to play?"

"The show is on April 1st. You would have to come a few days before once to practice the whole program. For this I will inform you a few days beforehand about the location and time.
It would be the best if you would play something that isn't happy. This would bring the audience right in the mood."

Percy nodded. "Good, if you could please excuse me, I have to go before Alfred gets worried. Have a nice day."

Once the girl was out, she ran towards the entrance and to the limousine with Alfred and Dick inside.

After she sat down Dick at once bombarded her with questions about where she was. "Relax Dick. The music teacher wanted me to come to her room after school to offer me to play as the opening act for the theatre play in April."

The boy's eyes grew wide. "Percy, are you aware about the fact that only the most talented students get this offer? Congratulations! On what date is your performance?"

Percy was well aware of the important connection Dick had to this particular date of the year and therefore didn't want him to break down just now.

Luckily her mind already had an answer prepared that, hopefully, won't upset her brother, or make him suspicious of her.  "Well, this will be a surprise for you." She told him and they chatted together with Alfred for the rest of the ride.

At dinner Dick mentioned the offer to Bruce and he congratulated her as well. This night, Percy had the first full sleep in a long time.

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