The beginning of a new life

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The young boy gulped but stepped out. Percy's face held a shocked expression as she asked herself how much he saw. "H-hey Percy, Alfred."

A sheepish smile graced his face as he looked scarred at the two older. "How did you find this place? And how much did you see?" The girl asked her little brother.

At the sight of his scared face her expression softened, and her tone lightened. After a brief reassurance that he wasn't in trouble he answered.

"Uhmm, I had a nightmare and Percy wasn't there. As I looked for Bruce and Dick I noticed a shadow, so I followed it and it walked down the stairs behind this clock in Bruce's office. Once down you were sitting on this chair talking to someone. At one point you suddenly vanished, and some girl appeared on the screen. Was that you? Do you have powers? Does that meant the others have powers too?"

His rapid questions were amusing to Percy, and kind of reminding her of her first meeting with Nico, but she groaned slightly as she began to hack the footage of the cave to delete everything that shows her using her powers.

"Jay, I'll answer your questions somewhere else, not here though. I tell you only one thing for now, dad and Dick don't know that I have powers and I would prefer if it stayed that way until I'm ready to tell someone. Once we get back to my room, I promise I will answer your questions concerning my powers, until then please just ask questions about the dynamic duo stuff. But now go to the computer, there is a movie playing. I don't want you to see the arrival in case they are severely injured."

He nodded just as the Batmobile pulled up and quickly pulled up the movie. As the car opened Dick helped Bruce, who was barely conscious and bleeding a lot, to get to the med bay where Percy and Alfred were already prepared to work.

The girl took Dick while their grandfather tended Bruce. While helping her brother the ravenette used her powers to slow down Bruce's bleeding and keep the circulation up as much as she could.

A quick nod from Alfred showed her it was helpful. Soon both were treated and using a wheelchair to get to the main room. Once there they were surprised to see Jason sitting on the computer with headphones, most probably noticing nothing.

Bruce looked at the two who were at the cave the whole time for an explanation. "He saw Alfred as he went down here after making fresh tea for me. Once you were on your way back A called him out of his hiding spot. I told him to watch this movie as you pulled up because I had the suspicion you were injured and didn't want him to see that just yet." They nodded. Bruce motioned Percy to tell Jason he should turn around, so they all can have a chat, which she did.

The girl went to the Batcomputer beside Jason and typed something in. Slowly a message became visible on the screen where Jason watched. Jay, take off the headphones, dad and Dick want to talk. Was written there. The boy read it quickly before he did as the note said and turned around, facing his new family. "Hey Bruce, Dick." His face showed once again a bit of nervousness and fear of what his two idols would say or do.

"Hello Jason, I hope you are aware that you can't tell anyone about this?-" Said boy nodded. "-I planned on telling you once you got settled in and viewed Wayne manor as your own home and not just as a place you would stay." Jason understood what Bruce was saying.

At the first moment as he saw the cave, he was a bit hurt that no one told him that they were the vigilantes but as Bruce told him why he didn't tell him right away- since he thought Bruce only took him in to train him- he felt happy.

Happy that somebody cared about him, up until he met Percy nobody ever really cared about him. The boy's life changed, but to the better, on the day he tried to rob Percy.

Family of secrets (Fem!PercyXDC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora