Great, now there are two of them

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Percy woke up with a groan at the top of Half-blood-hill. "What am I doing here? Hera! I swear if you have anything to do with this, I will kick you worthy of a queen!" She yelled before her memories of the fight with Klarion and her time with the Avengers came back. "Shit! I have to find Chiron as soon as possible."

The raven-haired girl ran off to find her mentor, but was stopped by a tanned, raven-haired boy, looking about seventeen, with a very familiar sword in his hands. "Hi, how did you find this place, and what's your name?" He asked her kindly. "What do you mean who am I? I am Percy. Who are you?"

Now both teens had identical confused faces. "You can't be Percy. I am Percy." He told her as a bunch of twelve familiar kids came towards them. "However. I need to talk to Chiron. Immediately." She told him as the kids reached them.

" Percy, who is this. And why are you so disguised?" A blonde girl asked. "Hey Annabeth. She says her name is Percy. And I have no idea why we can't see anything beside her clothes." The boy answered while Percy groaned. "I forgot to change out of the costume as I woke up. I knew something was wrong."

Percy willed her ring to take away the costume and reveal her raven black hair in a high ponytail, sea-green-eyes, and wore a white shirt, dark blue skirt, black thighs, dark blue jacket, black shoes, and a silver trident necklace. The teens gasped. "H-how, I thought Poseidon only had one child." Annabeth said.

Percy furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Of course, he has only one demigod child. Me. Why should it be otherwise?" She asked the other girl. "Wait, you say your name is Percy?" Percy nodded. "What is your full name and what does Percy stand for?" Annabeth asked.

"My full name is Persephone Andromeda Wayne. But at camp I go by Jackson to keep my friends from knowing my mortal life. Percy is short for Persephone." "WHAT?" All thirteen teens including the boy named Percy asked.

"So, first, how? I don't have a sister. Second, how about we call you Seph and me Percy? It would be really confusing if we both are called Percy. Third, my name is Perseus Achilles Jackson."

Seph's eyes went wide. "Does this mean, I am in another parallel universe? I have to go back to my own!" She screamed. "Hey, calm down. We will find a way to get you back but please be calm I think we should begin with the introductions.-"

The younger ravenette interrupted him. "I think I know them already. Let me guess, Clarisse, Travis, Connor, Katie Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Will, Oh MY GODS! Nico! I knew it you both are so adorable together! Wait, this means you are-"

She stopped herself and began to cry as she came to Annabeth. "What is?" Hazel asked and walked towards Seph. "Sh-She is the female version o-of A-A-Andrew."

Nico got a look of understanding on his face. "You mean he is-" She nodded, and all the others began to realise it too. They managed to comfort Seph. "Seph, would you mind telling me about your family and the second war?" Piper asked her to distract her. "I live with my uncle and adopted cousin. They are my family. We won the second war. This is as much as I can say."

Percy furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean, you live with your uncle? I have no uncle. And what happened to mom?" He asked Seph who got more tears in her eyes. "Mom died as I was four. Gabe murdered her because of me. And I have an uncle. Bruce Wayne. He adopted me after mom died and raised me. Maybe you don't have an uncle in this world? And does this mean mom is alive in this world?" She said and got a bit hope in her eyes at the end.

Percy smiled at the though of his mother and little sister. "Yes, mom is alive. And I knew Gabe was an asshole. In this world, he met medusa and mom sold his statue to rent another apartment. I now have a half-sister and a stepdad. Btw, how do you get along with dad?"

Seph laughed slightly. "Mom really did this? And I get along with dad good. Same with Amphitrite and Triton. The palace is very cool, but it sucks that I constantly have to wear a dress though... WAIT, I think I know a way to communicate to my world" She announced before earrings and a bracelet appeared on her.

"What are jewels going to do?" Travis asked. "This isn't just jewellery. Watch. Kal, can you hear me? I am alive. But I am stuck in a parallel world. If you managed to defeat Klarion, please ask around for a way to get me back. And inform me about it. I will go and ask the gods of this world."

The others stared at her. "What language was this? And who is Kal?" Percy asked. "This was Atlantean, how can't you understand it? It is in your blood as a child of Poseidon... only if this language isn't used in this world. Kal is my nickname for Kaldur, an Atlantean and friend of mine. However, I think the gods could help me. Could you or some of you go with me? I don't think your gods would know who I am, and I would like to live and go back to my family. I have a talent to piss of gods and other immortal deity's."

The teens of this world groaned. "Perfect, now we have to hold up with two Percy's with the ability to piss off immortals." Annabeth exclaimed exhausted.

Percy thought for a few moments until a voice interrupted her. "Of course, we will accompany you. For a matter of fact, we were summoned by the gods to get a reward for the war. You can come with us, it is tomorrow. Until then, we should inform Chiron about you and the circumstances." Hazel told her. "Maybe we even can convince Chiron for a sleepover at the Hades-cabin."

"Why a sleepover? And who is this girl?" A voice came from behind them. All of them turned around. "Thalia!" Jason exclaimed as they saw Thalia and the hunters. "Well, we have a complicated situation. This girl seems to be Percy, but from another world. We will take her to the gods tomorrow and hopefully they will help. But for now, we have to get Chiron." Annabeth informed her best friend as the Stoll's run off to get the centaur.

Thalia rose her eyebrows. "You are Kelp-head? I have to admit, you two look alike. But why do you wear a skirt and look so neat? Aren't you wild and rebellious?" The daughter of Zeus asked.

The younger looked at her smirking."Yes, I am Percy, pinecone-face. I wear these clothes because of my uncle, whom I live with. For the press I have to look like the perfect daughter. But I prefer some of my fighting clothes over this. I only wear this now because I had my costume on and my head wasn't visible at all. For rebellious, I have an obedience-streak which faded over the years of interacting with gods."

To her last statement, all teens laughed. Seph had an idea and pulled out a phone. The teens at once pulled out their weapons. "Woah. I don't know how it is in your world, but in ours is using a phone like sending a signal to monsters. Especially if you are a child of the big three." Thalia informed her. "Yes, I know. The same is in my world. But I can use this phone safely. Leo made it and I used it for months. Never did a monster attack me no matter how long I talked with somebody. Now I have to try to call someone." Seph retorted and looked for Diana's number.

Once she found it, she picked call. About ten seconds later somebody picked up the phone. "Hello? Who is there?" A childish voice asked. "I'm sorry. I called the wrong number. Have a good day!" Seph called and cut the call. "It looks like I can't call them." She told the teens around her, as the centaur arrived.

"Welcome huntresses. I assume you want to go to your cabin?" He asked the group of girls who nodded and walked off to said cabin.

The centaur then turned to Seph. "I assume you are the girl from the other world? If you don't mind, would you tell me your name and how you got here?" He asked her kindly. "Of course, Chiron. My name is Persephone Andromeda Jackson-Wayne. And for how I got here, this is a long story which started as I was nine..."

She told him about her quest and how her dad asked her to visit Atlantis and how she met Orin, Mera and Kaldur, how Orin asked her to become his protégé and about the fight. "Well, I assume, you can stay in the Poseidon cabin, until you all go to the gods tomorrow morning. I think it would be the best if you make the normal activities with Percy together."

Percy and Seph nodded, and the boy led Seph towards the lava-wall. "I think you should change. Maybe you can borrow some clothes from Hazel..." He trailed off as he saw she had different clothes on.

She wore a red tank-top, black Jeans, brown boots and an olive coloured jacket. "No need. I have clothes covered. Now, let's see which Percy is better. The younger girl, or the older boy? First climbing wall, and after that, various fight techniques?" Seph asked. "You're on!" Percy told her and they ran towards the wall.

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