Chapter 9: Incoming, Incoming

Start from the beginning

Above the sounds of planes engines followed by gunfire past over the street the Americans were running through, "What the hells happening!" Dalton shouted to his friends, but they couldn't hear him due to the loud noises. Ahead of William who was leading the soldiers a fireball exploded causing screams of panic from the people and them to halt their running, to their shock an armored dragon stood in the middle of the street and roared at the running people. But to William and their shock they could see a man on top of the dragon whipping the dragon, the dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a torrent of fire incinerating dozens of people.

"Shoot it!" Andrew shouted and not wasting a second, they fired repeatedly at the dragon, the bullets didn't affect the dragon however they did shoot the dragon rider dead causing the dragon to shake off the dead body and fly away into the night sky. Then from behind another armored dragon landed behind the Americans, "Fuck, open fire!" Lakota shouted shooting the dragon a few times. The dragon roared at them and opened its mouth, "Fuck, RUN!" William screamed and the soldiers ran for their lives looking back Aseir saw the dragon following them down the street. "In here!" William kicked open a door and ushered his friends inside, his eyes widened when he saw flames speeding towards them, quickly diving inside the building he felt the heat behind him as he ran deeper inside the building to escape the dragon.

(Song: Fire Storm from Independence Day)

From above the buildings columns of fire and smoke rose into the night sky, American soldiers in the base were quick to respond to the attack. They took positions around the city and base firing at the dragons attacking the city, Buffalos aboard the USS Ranger were scrambled into the sky and the USS Pennsylvania fired its anti-aircraft guns at the dragons however the weapons proved pointless as the rounds were meant for aircraft not flying animals.

The Buffalos were chasing the dragons and firing bursts at the flying animals, but the dragons were agile and easily got behind the Buffalos, the dragons managed to shoot down several Buffalos killing the pilots.

Eventually swarms of dragons attacked the Cairo Naval Base destroying handfuls of parked planes outside and inside hangars, they ignited fuel tanks and destroyed entire hangars full of fuel. The dragon riders went from blowing up the base to focusing their attention on the anchored USS Barnett, USS Dewey, USS Detroit, and an unnamed commercial ship.

They rained fire down on the ships while the sailors aboard their ship fired at the incoming dragons, some rounds were lucky and killed many of the dragons and their riders but most of them were still flying. The riders forced their dragons to fire at the vulnerable ships, fireballs damaged the three naval ships but when the flaming balls struck the commercial ship that was in the process of unloading barrels of oil and ammunition, the ship exploded in a massive fireball that sent a shockwave powerful enough to knock the nearby dragons out of the sky and send base personnel flying.

Causing enough damage, the lead flyer being Chaghatai flying beside Batuhan looked at the destruction they've caused and ordered for the rest of the flyers to attack the city itself now. The dragon flyers started indiscriminately killing people and burning down buildings, Persian soldiers started shooting arrows at the dragons taking down a few thanks to their skills. Buffalo fighters engaged the dragons being mindful of the dragons agility, American soldiers continued firing at the dragons and atop a rooftop was William and the rest shooting at the dragons taking a few down.

As the American soldiers became more furious, they killed more and more dragons dwindling their numbers until Chaghatai growled in anger and ordered a full retreat. "Chaghatai, we can still destroy them!" Batuhan shouted at his friend who gave him a glare, "No we cannot they are too powerful and advanced we must retreat Batuhan" Chaghatai said firmly to which Batuhan said nothing and faced straight. As the remaining dragon riders flew away after their daring raid, the city of Cairo was in disarray at the sudden attack.

Soldiers and good citizens helped the wounded and injured to get medical help; American soldiers helped the locals, but they were more worried about their base. Fire crews worked on extinguishing the violent flames, the commercial ship fire was literally roaring as the flames reached high into the sky. Elsewhere William and them, climbed down onto the desolate street, their noses picked up on the scent of burning flesh and smoke their eyes landed on roasted bodies and the wind moving particles of ash around.

Sticking together they trudged through the city streets seeing people with burn marks and others assisting the wounded, passing by a wrecked building they glanced inside and saw that a fallen dragon had smashed through the roof, took out the second floor, and rested on the base level. However, inside the house a little boy with a cold dead stare looked at them while two dead bodies laid beside him presumably his parents. The sight sent shivers up their spine, but they pushed on where they eventually reached the gates of Cairo Naval Base where the first thing, they saw was the towering inferno from the commercial ship. Entering the base, the first thing they did was assist putting out the fires.

Elsewhere in the city King Darius emerged from the Palace of Giza with his guards and advisors and climbed over the ruin of an Anubis statue, looking at his city the king clenched his fists in pure anger. Glancing down the king saw two soldiers dragging a resisting body of a Mongolian dragon rider, "Unhand me you Persian dogs!" the rider shouted at the soldiers holding.

King Darius stepped down from the ruined statue and approached the soldiers and the Mongolian dragon rider, raising a hand to the soldiers they dropped the rider who immediately lunged at the king, but the king landed one good punch to the riders stomach. The soldiers went to hold the man down, but Darius stopped them and glared daggers at the rider.

"A Mongolian huh, should've known it was you bastards" King Darius said with hate, to which the Mongolian spat in his face. Whipping the spit off his face the king kneed the rider in the face, "Mongolia will wipe your people off the face of earth, and you will be forgotten" the rider said menacingly with a smile. Darius inhaled sharply grabbed a guards sword behind him and slashed the riders head off with no remorse, kicking the body down he returned the favor and spat on the body, "Dispose the body and get me to Admiral Halsey".

Back at Cairo Naval Base the commercial ship fire was half dealt with and had more people working on since all the base fires had been extinguished, Admiral Halsey who was spared from the attack gave out orders to the soldiers and base personnel. From around a wrecked storehouse a horse sped towards the Admiral and the officers surrounding him, aiming guns at the horse the horse stopped and revealed a Persian soldier atop the horse.

"Admiral, King Darius urgently needs to meet with you" the soldier passed the word, "Well I'm busy, tell him to come here" Halsey told the soldier in a demanding tone. The soldier was hesitant but obeyed and rode away on his horse.

About 15 minutes later three horses approached the Admiral at high speed and came to sudden stops, it was King Darius himself and two bodyguards. The king looked at the menacing commercial ship fire and looked at the bases destruction, "King Darius I'm busy right now, so make it quick" Halsey told the king who was taken aback by the tone he was given. "Since this is a clear declaration of war, I ask that you speak with your president and assist us in the war" King Darius told the Admiral calmly who sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I'll see what I can do King Darius".

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