Chapter 25: The Man Without a Face

Start from the beginning

—When did you get home, Michael?

—At 3 or 4.

—And you didn't go into Jennifer or Isabel's room when you arrived.
—You didn't check to see wether your daughters were home?

"He is shaking his head in disagreement"

"—For the records, please say "no", Mr. Hanson. My recording device can't see you.

—I've told you I don't know how many times!
—I thought they were probably already asleep, so I went to bed.
—Next morning I wanted to wake them up and I saw that none of them were in their room.

—And that was the point where you contacted your ex-wife, Iris Hanson. Correct?

—Yea, correct.
—Jennifer never liked her room. She never complained but I could tell when she stayed at my place for the first time. It was still decorated the way her grandmother had it when she was a kid.
—I never changed it. I don't know what young woman her age like.
—Isabel, on the other hand, seemed to like her's.
—What I mean is: when I saw they weren't here, I thought maybe Jennifer decided to go to her mother's and Isabel just followed her, as always.

—Iris then called the police, correct?

—Yes, god damn it!
—Correct. The same answer I gave you the last one hundred times you asked!
—My daughters are missing! Go and look for them instead of wasting your time making me stupid questions!"

I feel like fainting. Michael Hanson really is my father. And he was sad.

—Oh my god.

I sat in the corner of his bed and then he sat by my side.

—Where do we even start?

—Do you feel ready for this?

—Let's just do this.

—So, now we know that Michael is the father of Jennifer and your's.

—And the Aurora thing...
—He was the owner back then.

—Jessica didn't seem to know his name, However.
—Shouldn't she have known him through her brother? At least his name.

—But I remember her telling me that she didn't know much about the deal of how Phill owns the Aurora.
—And they don't even get along.

—The police was suspecting Michael.

—It must have been really hard for him.
—I mean, it was. You could see that he was VERY angry.

—Does he seem suspicious to you?
—I am aware that this question is very early, but I'm interested to hear what you think.

—What do you mean by that? Towards me and Jennifer?


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