"You say that all the time, but you guys do bizarre things that we don't hear about too," I point out. "Tell me, do you ever feel weird walking on legs?"

"At the beginning, yes," he admits. "But now, I've grown used to them. Some of us swim in this form as well. After all, manipulating the flow of water around us is the key to moving faster in water."

I stare down at my hands, wondering if such powers are sleeping in my blood. "So, do all merfolks share the same abilities?"

"We're all born with the same abilities, although some may be a little...special. They may exhibit more unique abilities than the others."

"Such as?"

Zarius props a leg up and rests a muscular arm over his knee. I don't deny the sight of his relaxed state is attractive, but to give me that dashing, casual gaze? It's going to send my heart into overdrive. "Prophesying the future, dream manipulation, and many more to go," he lists them down. "But they are few and they are the ones who usually sit on the Council."

I gape in disbelief. "Prophesying?! Gosh! Think of all the lotteries that the merfolk could have won. They could become millionaires!"

"Lotteries?" Zarius repeats in confusion, but I grin.

"It's nothing," I reply. "It's just one of the human's pleasures in life."


I pick up a stick and poke at the foiled-covered potatoes that are buried in the burning charcoal. "I'm envious. It sounds a lot more fun and interesting than my high school. We stared at books all day and it was boring. But of course, even though I'm complaining right now, I would trade going back to school over these hellish days."

Dread and uncertainty about the future clouds my heart. Sometimes, I wonder how long I could watch the sunrise like this.

"What are you thinking about, Delia?"

I stare numbly at my fingers, twisting and untwisting them. "If you know a merfolk who can prophesied the future, do you think she would know when all this will end? Will she know when my death is coming?"

A hand shoots out to grasp my wrist—Zarius's.

His furious gaze holds mine. "I will not allow anything to happen to you," he promises. "Not when I'm alive. So promise me you will never say such words again."

I'm so stunned by his kind and sweet promise that he has stolen my breath away. My mind has lost the ability to form words in my mouth. Boys in my school were mostly cheeky and brusque, and I'm rather tomboyish, so I've never been treated like this before. It's astounding to see how his big, rough hands can hold this much gentleness.

"Are you alright, halfling? Your cheeks are becoming scarlet."

"I-I–" I blink once and pull my hand away from his. This time, I'm the one who's averting my gaze and trying to fan myself from sheer embarrassment. "It's nothing. I swear it's the heat from the campfire."

He turns his back to me, but only to stick his hand into the fire. I leap off my seat, shriek and grab at his arm frantically to pull him back. "What are you doing?!"

He holds out a piping hot roasted potato and breaks it in half. "Are you hungry?"

"No–I–that's not the problem now!" I hurriedly inspect his hands to check for red burns. "Are you hurt?"

But his skin is unblemished. "I'm fine," he says calmly. "The fire didn't hurt me."

"What do you mean?"

He gestures for me to step closer. "Watch."

With his right hand, he touches the fire again, and it extinguishes immediately. My jaw drops in pure astonishment. "What on earth is that? That's a really cool ability! How did you do it?"

"Element manipulation," he explains. "I absorb elements and expel them however I want."

"And where does it go?"

The fire orb reappears in the center of his palm. He tosses it towards Milliken Pond, where it hits the water and fizzles, leaving me utterly dumbfounded by his talent showcase. I blink once at the scene and shift my attention back to the merfolk before me.

Once again, I'm reminded of how terrifyingly powerful he can be underneath his calm and innocent demeanor. If he has one of those special abilities, he's a part of the Council himself. He holds a bigger position in the merfolk society than I thought.

What are you, Zarius?

But that doesn't excuse the fact that he might have hurt himself. I shoot him a stern look. "I don't care how strong you are, but never do that to me again! At least give me a warning. I almost got a heart attack."

He offers me the cooked potato once again. "Eat?"

I cross my arms and huff. "That's not a good enough peace offering, you dork. Besides, I cooked those potatoes for you to eat."

He studies my pouty expression. Peeling off the potato skin, he lifts the rest of it to my mouth. His finger brushes my bottom lip and I let out a tiny gasp.

"I will not eat until you do," he stubbornly insists. "You first."

Heat sears across my cheeks. I should eat the potato like he wants, otherwise I might end up pouncing on him instead. "Fine."

He waits until I take a bite before he devours the rest of the potatoes. When he isn't looking, I stare at him. A pang of guilt hits me when I realize how famished he must have been. Yet, he refuses to take everything for himself.

What a strange and sweet guy.

We finish the food quickly, with me avoiding his gaze the whole time. But my avoidance doesn't last long, because Zarius holds out his hand towards me again.

"We should get going. You wish to locate the rest of your family members?"

He's right. I grasp his hand as he pulls me up from my seat with a firm grip. "Zarius," I pause briefly. "I think it's going to cause a lot of trouble if other humans see you with me. You'll scare them away." Or we might have another episode just like how Jace had freaked out at the sight of Zarius and shot at him.

"Well then, what do you suggest?"

My mind considers carefully for a second until an idea forms in my mind. If we end up finding other humans, we will have to make sure that no one questions Zarius for who he really is.

With a smirk, I snap my fingers at him. "Follow me. I've a fantastic idea."

A/N: Name your favorite theme in a story! (E

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A/N: Name your favorite theme in a story! (E.g. Werewolves, magic, mafia, etc.)

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