Hiding from the public

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"Oh crap, thank you Nathalie, I would have completely forgotten about that. And you don't have to look so sad and guilty, I already thought, that Gabriel won't have any time left in his schedule today. It's too bad though, as I have been told, that right now, the baby could be seen very well. Later there will always just be a part to be seen. But as I wanted to make a video of it anyway, maybe he can watch it later. And you too, if you would like to!", I blurted out excitedly.

She gave me an understanding smile.

"You're really looking forward to that appointment, huh?", she laughed.

I nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, it's just sad, that I won't have anyone with me. I guess, you are even more busy, than Gabriel, right?", I asked with my cheeks turning red. I couldn't even explain to myself, why I was blushing right now, maybe because it was kinda awkward, to ask the one other woman, my boyfriend and father to my child, loved, to come to an appointment at the gynaecologist with me.

I didn't even dare to consider, that I just liked her company or maybe sometimes thought about, what Gabriel had told me, about her finding me so cute, that she almost wanted to.....

I quickly pushed the thought aside and smiled at her, waiting for the assistant's response.

"Sadly, you're right. Though I would love to come with you. Not only because it would be nice, to be there and see your baby on the 'livestream', but I also would like to take a look at that intern, who was able, to compete with Gabriel!"

She had said the last sentence with a mischievous grin.

"Wh-what makes y-you think, he'll b-be there again?", I stuttered.

"Just a gut feeling. Gabriel told me, that you weren't the only one, who was blushing, but the young man as well. So, if he is working in that office regularly, I would think, he might want to see you again too, right?"

Now I was blushing even more.

"Nathalie, you're making me nervous. The way you said that, makes him seem as if he was some weird guy, who liked to stalk pregnant, young women!"

"Oh no, I didn't mean to scare you with that! I just thought.... well.... uhm, I would feel flattered, if I made a handsome, young almost doctor blush. I didn't mean it in a creepy way!", she tried to explain, getting herself all worked up.

I placed a hand on hers, which was lying on the armrest of her chair and squeezed it gently. Nathalie gave me a puzzled look, didn't pull away though, instead, she turned her hand around and grabbed mine, to do the same as I did just now.

I suddenly felt the room getting a lot warmer, while we both stayed in this innocent position, which felt not innocent at all to me just now. Then Nathalie cleared her throat and let go of my hand, to get up and say in her usual, emotionless voice:

"As we're on a tight schedule, let's go look for some dress quickly!"

I nodded and followed her up the stairs.

"Nathalie?", I asked her as we walked along the hallway.

"Yes", she replied in a professional manner.

"I...don't know, how to... start, because uhm..... I would like to ask something big from you!"

She stopped and looked at me.

"Well, just say it, I certainly won't bite!"

I inhaled deeply, then reluctantly began:

"You...uhm....Adrien, you love him as if he really was your son, right? And he feels the same towards you! I....well, I just want to make sure...if anything would happen to me.....I mean, Gabriel might be very sweet right now.....but, I have seen him with Adrien, before he tried to change....and, I don't want that for my child. So I am begging you, if I won't be there to care for this baby, to raise him or her with Gabriel. Would you promise me that?"

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