Taking a refreshing shower after being stuck on a bus with ten others felt amazing —save for the stinging of his mark, which burned at the touch of water, but at least it wasn't bleeding, for now, it didn't even look that bad... sure the edges and the skin around the wound looked bruised, and it did still throb and hurt painfully, but it doesn't look that bad. All the bruises and hickies from three weeks ago were gone, the only thing he had to hide was his mark, which he did by wearing hoodies and turtlenecks.... Which he's surprised no one has noticed the change of style. Well, I guess it is starting to get a bit chilly, the winds' getting a tad bit cool. He shrugged, at least they weren't questioning him about it.

Speaking of his mark, it was starting to throb again, less painful -but still painful- and more... longing? It felt like longing, but stronger. He's not sure what it is he's feeling. He clenched his jaw, hoping it'll go away.

   Coming out the shower, hair wet, towel loose around his hips, he dug through his luggage that laid next to the bed to dig out some clothes that he could wear when a buzz came from the lock of the door of the room.

Someone had a card to his room.

A bolt of panic struck him and he found himself unable to cover up his mark in time when the door opened and standing not even twenty feet in front of him, was the person he least wanted to see.


The door clicked shut quietly as the two stared at each other, anger and confusion in their eyes. And fuck, I don't know about you, but I really want to touch you. Yuta thought to himself, despite really not wanting to be in the same room at him.

"What are you doing in my room Nakamoto?" The younger alpha growled hostilely, despite looking like he wanted to jump him a much as he did. The Japanese wearing only a towel didn't help at all.

Yuta scoffed. "Your room? I've been here since an hour before, this is my room." He exclaimed furious. "Maybe, you're in the wrong room. So kindly, fuck of Sicheng." He stated with a deadpanned expression, his whole body itches to touch him. His scent was already doing things to him.

   Sicheng opened his mouth, surely to say something, but froze. Yuta furrowed his brows as he watched the alpha's expression turn from angry, confusion, to realization, to disbelief. "What?" He growled, annoyed.

"You, did you pick the single room?" Sicheng asked.

"No shit I did." Yuta rolled his eyes. "And as you can see, this is a single room, single bed, it's my room, so fuck off."

"I chose the single room." Sicheng exclaimed. He muttered, "Fucking hell." He facepalmed. "They probably didn't have enough rooms to give us one each, and put us both together."

Yuta felt his brain fry. "Wait wait wait-" he stopped the taller, walking closer. "Why did you chose the single room? Kun always gets the single room!"

"You think I'd risk getting seen with this?" Sicheng snarled, pulling at the collar of his shirt showing the mark.

"Everyone knows you have it! Who's gives a fuck!" Yuta yelled. "I'm the one having the worry about it!"

"Then you should be glad it's me rooming with you and not someone else."

Yuta glared at him, not quite happy that the Chinese was correct in his statement. He took a deep breath to calm himself, but regretted it immediately, inhaling the other's fiery scent, causing him to scrunch his nose and flinch slightly.

   Sicheng smirked, having spotted the movement. He stepped closer to him, leaning in, and grabbed his waist, "Does my scent affect you that much, hm?"

"Fuck off." Yuta growled, swallowing back a whimper. He shoved the other's hand off him, stomping back towards the bed and grabbing his clothes and slamming the bathroom door shut behind him to get change, fuming when he heard the other snicker. It's not like they haven't changed and seen each other naked hundreds of times, but this was different. They were mated. He could barely ignore how the other stared at his body as they talked as is.


"What do you mean there's no other rooms available?" Sicheng exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sirs, there must've been an error when we assigned your rooms and didn't notice we had given you two a couple's room instead of a two bed room, but I'm afraid we can't room any of you to a different one, we're all book until next week." The receptionist apologized to the two alphas.

Yuta rubbed his temples, "Fuck... whatever, it's fine, thank you." He nodded to the receptionists. "It's not like we'll be in our rooms all day." He shrugged, but he cursing any deity there was over and over in his mind. We can survive a week together, right? It's only a week.


He couldn't sleep.

He stared at the window, the curtains let's streaks of bright moonlight through, painting the floor and room in stripes of gray as a tempting forestry scent surrounded him. He laid on the very edge of the bed, as did Sicheng on the opposite side, as far from each other as possibly —they had fought for a solid twenty minute about who would sleep on the couch, but both were too stubborn to want to, and in the end they both slept on the bed on opposite sides.

Which seems to be a mistake. His body ached and screamed at him to more closer to the other. The mark burned like never before. His body as craving to touch him again. Fuck, I should've just asked one of the guys to switch rooms.

   He stayed were he was for a few minutes before the burning heat inside of him became unbearable and before he could think, he turned around. Equally as wide awake eyes stared back at him. Without hesitation he jumped forward, and their lips clashed feverishly and desperately.



Would you guys want me to skip the smut, or add the smut next chapter?


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