"I'm here because I want in on the case. I know virtually nothing of it but if it involves a vigilante that possess multiple quirks fighting creatures that possess multiple quirks, I want to be there to help. I'm not the number 3 hero for nothing," Hawks replied with a grin. Izuku sighed and shook his head.

"If you're required for the case you will be called. Until then, keep protecting Japan," Izuku replied. Hawks frowned and shook his head.

"Look Hope, I know there is a problem between you, All-Might and Endeavour. But listen, I'm on your side. You have been such a huge impact for the communities of the abused, forgotten and discriminated. Something horrible is happening, my job as the number 3 hero is to protect the citizens all across Japan," Hawks stated. Izuku looked up at him, seeing sheer determination and earnestly in his eyes. But that doesn't change the facts. 

"Look, several completely capable heroes are on the case. You will be contacted if your assistance is necessary. I appreciate the support and you also do excellent work. Now if you excuse me, I have to finish my work, final exams for the students are coming up," Izuku stated, turning around. Hawks sighed in defeat and nodded but quickly shot a feather forward. It quickly moved in front of Izuku and pointed towards him. Izuku flinched back, his eyes locked on the red feather hovering in front of him.

"Wait I have on more thing to ask," Hawks yelled. Izuku his head, not changing the direction of his heels. "I would like to speak with Tokoyami. I am interested in properly interning him," Hawks said. Izuku rose an eyebrow at him.

He had noticed that Fumikage got slightly agitated every time the internship was mentioned. His hands clawing into his thighs. Something had upset him during internships. Knowing Fumikage, it was probably not learning enough. Izuku frowned and looked away.

"You can ask again when he gets his hero license so you'll have to wait," Izuku stated calmly before walking back to his desk. He started doing what he was doing before. Hawks sighed, he closed the window before jumping off and began flying away.

Katsuki huffed as he pulled his shoulder guard over his arm. He twisted the crappy aluminum coat until it made its click sound. Katsuki let out a breath to release his building frustration. He'll need to get his costume re-fit. He considered himself pretty muscular when coming into UA but he has been growing in both height and muscle so now his already tight costume was squeezing the life out of him.

He did some breathing to control his rising temper. He had needed anger management therapy for a while now. Since his relationship with his mother shifted since that horrendous day, any chance of him actually obtaining that is out the window. The best he's got is the internet and hard advice from Eraserhead.

Katsuki bent down into his bag and grabbed his mask. He grabbed the small band that goes behind his head and and clipped the magnetic clip. He shoved it into his hair that hid it. After the clip was in and the mask resting comfortably on his nose and around his eyes, he reached for his grenade gauntlets. 

He managed to shove the first one on before tightening it. Sometimes he was worried that it would cut off his blood flow. As Katsuki was shoving his second gauntlet on, he felt a firm and rough hand grab his shoulder, shaking him. Katsuki put his hand with the tight gauntlet over the other persons hand. He turned his hand to see the smiling face of Eijiro. 

"Hey bro, you got it?" he asked. Katsuki nodded his hand and stood up. Tightening his second gauntlet as he stood up. He quickly scanned around the room, him and Eijiro being one of the last ones left as his costume has a lot of components. The only other ones are Tenya, Hanta and Yuga. Eijiro obviously staying behind for him.

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