²⁹do i want to be saved?

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y/n suddenly opened her eyes from the sudden whirring, as well as her friends footsteps

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y/n suddenly opened her eyes from the sudden whirring, as well as her friends footsteps. she felt somebody shake her, then help her stand up. she turned her head towards wu-jin (who had helped her up), then to the helicopter who was nearing them.

the boy then dragged her with him, to where everyone had been waving their arms again, trying to catch the helicopters' attention. y/n was confused; why had they come back? surely it wasn't because they had come back to rescue them. y/n tried to think of plausible reasons on why they would return, but none had surfaced.

she was held up by wu-jin, the boy's right arm around her waist while the other one was waving at the helicopter, yelling at the helicopter as if that would catch its attention. y/n looked down to her left leg, standing on it carelessly to see if it was still limp. 

barely. she managed to stand on it properly, but her knee buckled immediately. she slowly took wu-jin's arm off of her, the boy turning his sight of direction towards her. he furrowed his brow in confusion, y/n shaking her head and smiling. "i can stand now. thank you."

he wasn't convinced. he looked down at her leg, which had dried blood all over it, bent at the joint and shaking slightly. "no you can't-"

"i'm okay. promise." y/n assured him with a genuine smile. wu-jin pouted, but nodded nonetheless. as he began to wave an arm again for the helicopter, y/n walked back to the camp fire. listening to her thoughts from before, that the adults wouldn't have known there were any teenagers left. 

she grabbed the water bottle she was drinking out of earlier, drinking the remaining liquid. she watched behind the others, as they excitedly waved their hands, hugging each other, as they believed they were now being rescued. the helicopters light then shone on them, the wind force of the propellers hitting them, causing them to step back. 

y/n simply drank the water, her other hand in her pocket. her neck then twitched inhumanely, eyes closing as the sound of the vehicle had grown louder and louder upon nearing them. her noise senses felt wild, somewhat causing a small sting towards her ear drums. she then turned her head to nam-ra, who had her hands pressed on her ears hard. 

y/n hummed, sadly. it must be hurting her more...

she was a few steps back from the others, away from the light of the helicopter. she could see what was currently happening, as military soldiers threw their ropes down, and had hopped down to the surface. they held their guns towards them, causing y/n to widen her eyes. 

she looked down to the ground, eyes darting to the knife as she kicked it behind her, somewhat hidden away from the soldiers vision. "get down. all of you." she heard one of them say. 

"sir." dae-su started softly, slowly bringing his hands up in surrender. " can you help us?"

"i said get down! face down on the ground! get down!" everyone listened to the armed man yelling, slowly getting down on their knees. 

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