²⁰music room

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so, uh, a lot happened

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so, uh, a lot happened. accusations were thrown left and right, arguments here and there. however, this book's author is a wee bit not bothered to write out the whole ordeal as y/n hadn't really participated much. we all know what happens, yes? let us all say that y/n was in the background, simply continuing her weaponry making before they all came in. 

she cared for nam-ra, honest. (some of yous are even gay for her). 

but upon hearing the fact that gwi-nam, someone who may or may not be a zombie, bit her, the other girl now had the chance of her becoming a zombie - y/n was kinda glad. she didn't want to become a zombie by herself, and as selfish as it was, she honestly got attached to these people in such a short time, that she didn't want to be alone knowing that she'd never see them again. 

she honestly felt no difference to herself, other than the fact that her hearing and sense of smell seemed to increase slightly, and the feeling of everything seeming to be so much more lighter - like when she tore the wooden framing from the chalkboard attached to the wall, it came off like she was peeling a sticker.

her newly made knives were now stored against a belt that she made - simply by cutting a very long piece of the red curtain from the bottom, and wrapping it around and tying the knives to act a shoulder. she had four of these, two wrapped around her waist, and another two crossed each other as it was worn on her like a sash. 

it was quiet inside the room, the only noise being small chatter and the zombies outside. the others were at one side of the room, sitting in a circle, away from nam-ra and su-hyeok who sat by the window, the two tied to each other. 

y/n was staring at the supply room door, the girl becoming more impatient by the minute. she heard steps inside that room earlier, as well as a food wrapper being crumpled. she had an assumption that a single human was in there, but why would they be locking themselves in there right now? wouldn't they want to be out here with the company of others? no one would want to go through this apocalypse by themselves, hell not even y/n. 

the two boys on one side of her - joon-yeong and dae-su - were complaining about food, wu-jin joining in from time to time. 

"how could you think about food when there's a zombie in here?" ji-min immediately asked dae-su, interrupting his fantasies. 

"nam-ra's not a zombie." on-jo and y/n spoke up simultaneously, connecting eyes upon their synced answer.

"half-bie." dae-su muttered, earning a weirded yet concerned look from hyo-ryung. 

"close enough." ji-min spat.

 "let's not do this right now. we're all we've got."

"she's right," hyo-ryung looked at her best friend. "nam-ra is better than na-yeon."

y/n hummed. right. na-yeon. the girl was on her kill list for what she did to gyeong-su. it was petty and sick, but it still lead her to wonder whether she or miss park was still alive. no screams that belonged to them we're heard after that night, so they were most likely still alive. 

she then looked back to the supply room door. na-yeon and miss park. no screams. footsteps. food wrappers. but why could she only hear one person? that could only mean that the other died or got separated. if it were miss park in that room, the teacher would've already opened it and joined them. however, if it was na-yeon, she would've surely locked herself in there, shame and guilt refraining herself from exposing herself to the people she once called friends.

"-ya! y/n! you're strong, right? can you break this door down??" dae-su snapped her out of her thoughts. the girl shrugged, standing up. she walked towards him in front of the door.

"that's going to make a lot of noise though. and we don't know what's in there." she stated nonchalantly. the second question was dumb honestly. if a zombie was in there, they would been trying to bang the door from the other side, trying to get out. 

however, if her suspicions were right, then a particular pink sweater girl would be in there, human. she didn't want to let the others know, seeing as this would only lead to more trouble.

they would continue blaming her for gyeong-su's death, then realising that miss park wasn't with her, which could only mean that their beloved teacher was dead. that would not be a pretty picture. 

they've dealt with multiple loses already, and with nam-ra being bitten by a "zombie" gwi-nam, and even y/n who got zombie blood in her (though they don't know that), it would only be worse if another death was confirmed. maybe it was best if those deaths stayed unknown.

dae-su whined, sitting back down on the chair. "i'll try and pick the lock. however. i would like to go first, alone."

"why do you wanna go by yourself first?" joon-yeong asked.

she smiled at him blankly. "safety precautions."

"it's a small room, right? why do you need to be cautious?" cheong-san asked her.

"is there a zombie in there?" on-jo continued to ask. 

y/n shrugged. "that's what i would like to know! so then maybe i can experiment with it and pinpoint it's weak spots-"

"you're not going to do that y/n-"

"wu-jin, i will try and refrain from doing stupid things that would get me killed." y/n then placed her closed fist over her heart, as if she was pledging something. "after this though. i have a few other conditions but the main statement would be me trying to stop myself from getting myself killed."

wu-jin thought about this, before sighing. "fine, but you better come out after a few minutes, if you don't then we're entering that door."

she nodded her head vigorously, an excited smile on her face. obviously, they believed her lie, thinking that there was actually a zombie in there and that y/n would actually try and experiment with it. at times like this, she was glad that she was a maniac with a sick way of seeing the world, as she could make up insane shit and the others would believe it.

y/n smiled to herself, somewhat proud as she began to work on picking the lock.

y/n smiled to herself, somewhat proud as she began to work on picking the lock

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