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lexi was a good director and writer. there was no lie to that. but, olivia really wanted to beat her fucking ass, and she had every right to.

the only thing that stopped her from going on stage herself and doing it was cassie.

everyone turned and watched cassie walk down that middle aisle, stepping over the stupid fucking playbill that was laying on the floor. she stepped up on stage, and rue and liv exchanged eye contact.

"lexi, you really outdid yourself." cassie said, slowly applauding as she stood on stage and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"i mean, where did she find these knockoffs?" she asked. olivia laughed out loud. yes, cassie was being a literal fucking idiot right now, but that was funny.

"i had no idea that my sister had this in her. good job, right? isn't she brave? she's up here, unpacking all of her trauma. i had no idea how hard your life was, lexi. can we give a round of applause for how hard lexi's life is? come on, guys." cass went on.

a few people applauded, but olivia just looked around and shook her head.

"i know they hack the heads off of women in afghanistan or whatever. god, it is nothing compared to living in my shadow."

"what the fuck is she talking about?" liv mumbled. rue just shook her head.

"yo. is this apart of the play?" a random kid from the crowd asked. a few more people laughed.

"i don't know. lexi! is this part of the play? lexi? this is your show, come out! you're the big star of the day. you're the star of the night. she's always wanted to be the star. this is your big moment.  shine!"

cassie pulled lexi out from backstage, putting her in the middle where everyone in the audience could see. olivia could hear bb yell "go lexi!", and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. it looked like lexi was begging cassie to please stop, but cassie clearly didn't listen.

"i should stop? me? i'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you!" cassie yelled, walking closer to lexi and getting angry. lexi didn't shake her head, she just stood there still and scared.

"i didn't do that." she said quietly.

"oh really? then what is this?"

liv watched as suze went up on stage and tried to clear the air. cassie slightly chased lexi around the stage as she yelled and broke down in front of everyone. people in the audience started to boo cassie, but liv didn't join in. honestly, it was just fucking sad.

then, maddy started to yell. her and cassie went  back and forth from the audience and on stage, and in an attempt to distract the audience, the girl playing olive spoke up next to the girl playing kat.

"guys! look at me! i'm supposed to be the it girl here, not them! even if lexi is kind of better than me right now." she said, putting her hands out.

and that was when liv had enough.

"fuck this!" she said, storming up out of her seat and taking off her earings, throwing them on the ground.

"olivia! hey, liv!" rue yelled, standing up but not walking away from her seat.

"you fucking wannabe ass bitch!" liv screamed, pulling the girls hair as she climbed on stage. while she fought her, the girl playing cassie road a fake carousel horse and started humping it. when cassie pulled her down and attacked her, maddy ran up on stage as well to get cassie off.

"fucking bitch!" "fuck you!" "no, fuck you!" "fucking cunt!"

each girl yelled something on stage, everyone fighting each other.

"beat her ass up, liv!" bb yelled, chearing olivia on as she threw the girls body off stage, her rolling into the audience.

just as she did, cassie accidentally hit olivia on the side as she fought maddy. liv, out of anger, started charging at cassie.

cassie ran away from liv and maddy off stage, kat following them to try to prevent things from escalating and bb cheering them on.

somehow, someway, that shit calmed down and ended up in the school bathroom.

there the girls sat, cassie, liv, kat and maddy on the sink and bb standing in front of olivia. they all looked at each other, cassie's hair messed up and maddy icing her foot with a coke can. even though liv's arms were throbbing, she didn't look like she had as little as a scratch.

"do you know what's funny?" cassie asked. everyone looked at her, tired and worn out.

"nate broke up with me before i even went on that stage." she said. liv kept her mouth shut, mainly because she saw maddy's tiny smirk.

"don't worry. this is just the beginning."

and with that, she left the bathroom to leave cassie with her fucked up thoughts.

liv felt her phone buzz in her pocket and looked down to see that she got a text from ashtray, which was weird since he didn't usually like to talk over text.

you like my mom. i love you.

olivia's heart dropped to her stomach as she shoved her phone back into her pocket and ran out of the bathroom for her car.

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